[AT] Quiet?
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Fri Nov 24 04:56:45 PST 2006
Ralph, I take it you still had to pile that wood under a shed somewhere
once the cutting was finished? Seems like it would freeze into a block if
you left it out like that for the winter?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ralph Goff" <alfg at sasktel.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 23, 2006 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Quiet?
> Gilbert Schwartz wrote:
>> We cranked up the 40 Diesel and the 550 Cockshutts a couple of days ago
>> for their semi-annual "spin". They sounded like old friends when they
>> ran. Makes a person wonder how they can be so " ready to go to work".
>> Gil
> Hi Gil
> I'd like to see a picture of those Cockshutts of yours some day. I still
> think about that 50 diesel that I missed out on a few years back. That was
> a nice running diesel alright.
> I had my gas 40 running this morning on the hammer mill for a few hours
> grinding cattle feed. At 10 degrees F I noticed the starter was a little
> slower turning than normal but it started right up. Was thinking of taking
> a few pictures but I was kind of rushing against the weather. With
> predictions of snow in the afternoon I wanted to get finished before that
> happened. Plus that cold southeast wind inspired me to keep going strong
> on the job til I was done.
> Speaking of winter and cold , here is a link to a photo I took 5 years ago
> showing my Uncle and his winter's supply of firewood that we had just
> finished cutting.
> http://hotimg1.fotki.com/a/142_165/24_181/Donaldwoodpile-vi.jpg
> Unfortunately the picture does not show the little John Deere AR and buzz
> saw just off to the left. That was Uncle Don's last wood pile as he died
> the following July. It was a yearly ritual to go and help him cut up the
> firewood each fall.
> Ralph in Sask.
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