[Steam-engine] Gauge adjustment.

Robert Smith bobsmith5 at verizon.net
Thu Nov 16 08:01:23 PST 2006

Hi All --

The Google search argument "+hand+puller" is pretty much useless you
want to buy something suited for securing the load on your truck, etc..

Try "+gauge+pointer+puller"

I found the result http://www.generalinstruments.co.uk/htm/t4.htm  to be
very useful.

It is not necessary to demount the gauge to check its accuracy.  Buy,
beg, or borrow one of those neat little hand-held infrared temperature
sensors and point it at the boiler barrel and measure the temperature of
the boiler.  The temperature will be related to pressure by the
properties of steam.  See your steam tables.  Pick a point on the barrel
about half way between the front and rear flue sheets.  This will be
about under the steam dome on most boilers.

    Happy steamin,

    Bob Smith


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