[AT] O/T staying in the chevy family
Steve W.
falcon at telenet.net
Sun Nov 12 17:56:26 PST 2006
Ivan Cousins wrote:
> Who has replaced the vynal top on their old chevy's ? I bought a 34
> master sedan that needs the top replaced along with the wood . Ok same
> principle for the old fords too I suppose . What is the correct
> material and where do yo get that molding strip around the outside ?
> And that starter sure loks a lot like one from a farmall a , will
> parts interchange ? I'm thinking like brushes ,field coils , the switch
> is almost but not quite . And since its a 6 volt system remember Farmers
> advice , grounds ,grounds . Ivan
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The wood is usually white ash. The top material you can buy online or
at many boat shops IF you bring a small sample. It is a treated canvas
material not a true vinyl. What you basically do is SEAL the wood REALLY
well with spar varnish. Then you measure to the centerline of the car
and the top material and under padding. Make a light mark down the
center (I use chalk since it wipes off easy). Now you can start at
either end but I prefer to start at the rear. Tack the center so it will
be covered by the trim. Now stretch the material LIGHTLY to one side
keeping the seams straight. Clamp one side in place with a spring clamp.
Now work on the other side. Get it STRAIGHT and tack the material from
the center out. This is NOT the final tacking, it is a fitting. Once you
get it fitted you will be doing the final trim of the material and fold
the edge under with a little glue and the support strip in between the
layers of the fold. The factory cement was a basic gum rubber cement.
Easy to work with and doesn't set real quick. Use a brush and put a THIN
coat in the areas the factory did. Once you do the rear you can do the
front the same way. Now do the final trim. I leave 3/4" that will be
folded under all the way around. Once you get it trimmed you can start
at the rear gluing and final tacking. Trim is also available but it is a
little harder to find "correct" trim.
Steve W.
Near Cooperstown, New York
Pacifism - The theory that if they'd fed
Jeffrey Dahmer enough human flesh,
he'd have become a vegan.
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