[AT] Farming
John Hall
jthall at worldnet.att.net
Thu May 11 18:31:58 PDT 2006
You ain't kidding about the price going up for supplies. I had to get some
"special" fertilizer run for some of my beans. I live too far away to rent
the bulk spreader so I get it in bags. 3 tons cost me $7.72 per bag---6 bags
to the acre. Ouch!!!
And yet everytime we head to the field I have an unexplainable feeling of
optimism. I guess when that goes its time to call it quits. Either then or
when the checkbook has a negative balance--whichever comes first!!
John Hall
----- Original Message -----
From: "Indiana Robinson" <robinson at svs.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 11, 2006 4:51 PM
Subject: [AT] Farming
> On 11 May 2006 at 14:24, Greg Hass wrote:
>> After reading Farmers post I am beginning to feel like the Lone Ranger.
>> First let me say I am in no way questioning any decision people make in
>> regards to what they do. I am just saying that as one who farms 110 acres
>> I
>> miss more and more the smaller farmers that are not farming.
> Hi Greg:
> I have felt that way for a long time. I feel more at home talking with the
> folks
> that are trying to subsist on a few acres than talking with most of the
> local farmers
> that farm 2,000 acres.
> I did make my rental arrangements very specifically as a one year rental.
> I
> don't know if I will extend it later or not. We have had such terrible
> weather the
> last couple of years with stuff either burning up with drouth or drowning
> in the
> field that making any profit at all has been difficult. Last fall corn was
> down to
> $1.60 a bushel. We all know what fuel cost are and fertilizer is of course
> tied
> to oil. Fungicides to battle the "new to us" problem of Chinese rust in
> soybeans
> is high so I didn't grow any last year. I figured that this year the corn
> would
> develop "mad cow" or something. :-)
> >
> Francis Robinson
> Central Indiana, USA
> robinson at svs.net
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