[AT] Confessing a complete lack of knowledge here

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Fri May 5 04:49:42 PDT 2006

Now, that may be true and since I didn't see the event, and the fact 
that the valve stem is located on the tractor side of the rim, making it 
harder to see and operate, might be a real factor.  I thought I would 
wait a few days and then check on the tire and then I'll investigate 
more thoroughly.  My uncle is beginning to get a bit feeble so my aunt 
does a lot of the "grunt work" . 

Larry D. Goss wrote:
> If that's a tube designed for being fluid filled, there's a distinct
> possibility that when the "cap" was removed that it came apart at the
> wrong place and the whole core came loose instead.  If that's the case,
> there may be nothing wrong with your cores.
> Larry

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