[AT] Confessing a complete lack of knowledge here

David Bruce davidbruce at yadtel.net
Thu May 4 20:56:08 PDT 2006

Even at having the tube replaced it would be cheaper than buying a new 
tire.  When I stopped by earlier today, they had just added some air to 
the tire and rinsed the rim off with a lot of water (for some reason the 
valve stem is on the inside of the rim - makes access a bit difficult).  
My uncle bought this tractor about 5 years ago and has not done much to 
it since then.  He wanted to work up his garden this morning.  
Apparently (I didn't see this) when the cap on the valve stem was 
removed a gush of fluid shot out so I'm thinking at the very least the 
core is shot.  Much better to "hash" this around rather than jump in and 
make a big mess.  Thanks guys.


charlie hill wrote:
> David the last time I had the same problem it turned out that the tube 
> had cracked where the fitting is vulcanized into it.  I had to replace 
> the tube. Hopefully you will get by without that but tubes aren't all 
> that expensive so it might be a good time to go ahead and replace it 
> anyway.   If the fluid was regular tractor tire fluid it is pretty 
> corrosive ( I'm sure you know that) so it's probably a good time to 
> clean up the rim and put some paint on it.
> Charlie

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