[Farmall] It Runs!!!!!! (and a few questions)

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Tue May 30 09:02:39 PDT 2006

You answered your own question about the shifter.  You
need to straighten the bent shifter.  I'm pretty sure
that F-20 shifters did not change during their
production so it should be straight.  Also make sure
that the ball on the end of the shifter is not badly
worn.  I'm not sure of the specifics on you gear
pattern but I have heard of this before.  I think
later F-20s had the built in road gear that you
describe.  Maybe someone here can eloborate.  It
sounds like your engine isn't pulling good because of
timing.  I suspect that you do not have enough advance
while it is running.  Did you set the mag according to
the book?  I mistakenly had my engine timed on TDC
(running) one time and it didn't have enough power to
move itself.  It now has almost 30 deg advance in it
and does a good job.

--- Tony Pitts <mgomaize at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Thanks,
> Everytime I fixed the alignment of the gears and put
> the shifter back, it happened again.  Seems the
> shifter was leaving the proper area and when it did,
> it could then push the other gear around.  That is
> where having two F-20's comes in handy.  I took the
> shifter off my other one and it had pretty much no
> problems.  Took it back off, compared the two and
> the one that works is perfectlt straight from one
> end to the other, whereas the one that does not
> angles about 15 degrees at the hinge.  I am not sure
> why this would matter as long as it is in straight
> relative to the gears, but it seems to matter.  
> This one also seems to have a different gear
> pattern.  There is no gear pattern marked on the
> shifter cover like on my other F-20.  Upper left
> from the assembled perspective) is still reverse,
> lower left is still first.  Can't tell a difference
> between lower middle and lower right, both seem like
> 2nd.  But the upper right, which on my other F-20 is
> 2nd, really hauls.  Maybe someone changed the
> gearing?
> Thanks,
> Tony

Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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