[AT] Some ads from the 5/20 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sun May 21 14:16:37 PDT 2006
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 5/20/2006. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets] I
didn't send any "interesting" ads out last week because we were on
vacation until noon today.
For Sale:
Woods finishing mower, rear mount, RM 72, new, never used, asking
$1795,. Neuton electric cordless mower & accys. $195. Dauphin Co.
717-469-7367. [I don't understand how someone could go out and buy an
expensive mower like that and not ever use it. Why did he buy it?]
Willys Jeep, 1947 antique plate, $1200. Call for details. Lyman boat
wood 1960s trailer, no motor, nice, $950. Berks Co. 610-683-6328.
Parts for Oliver 60 tractor, engine, trans., frt. end, 32 tires & rims;
also Hesston #1014 mower, Somerset Co., 814-926-2205.
Oliver OC3 dozer, bad camshaft, was running 4/06. Good cond. Asking
$2,200. Orange Co., NY (845) 986-5865 or 206-7277.
Oliver 55 with loader, fair condition, $1500. 24 ft. bale elevator, best
offer. Lanc. Co. 717-665-6318.
Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.
Oliver 770D power steering, 3 pt. hitch, field ready, $3500. Lycoming
Co. 570-323-4949.
NAA Ford tractor, restored, $4,500; Woods 6 ft. finish mower, $1,200;
Motar Mixer, rebuilt eng., new pulleys, belts, $1,100. North. Co.
John Deere tractor, 1020, rebuilt wide front end with loader and chains.
Franklin Co. 717-261-9967.
JD 70 with loader, good orig. cond., rear wheel weights includes,
$6,500, exc. runner, gas. York Co. 717-229-9409.
JD 2510, gas, new front tires, 50% rear, new batt., shed kept, $2700.
Monroe Co. 570-992-6188.
JD 2030 diesel tractor, loader, $5800. Snapper zero turn 5 deck, $2500.
Old wheelhorse riding mower midengine, $500. Berks Co. 717-933-8583.
JD #30 loader for M or 40, rebuilt cylinders, new hose, dirt and snow
buckets, operating on M now. Chester Co. 484-645-1450.
Int Tractractor model T-20 on tracks. Original owner card and bank,
grease gun and pulley engine fast. Monroe Co. 570-629-0556.
IH tractor parts at R&T 5-26-27 sheet metal, emblems, steering wheels,
gauges, seats, manifolds, magnetos, carburetor, thousands of parts in
stock. Lancaster Co. 717-529-4066.
IH 500 dozer, 6-way blade, runs, fix or for parts, $1,500; 1994 S-10,
good cond., 27 MPG, $2,400. Orange, NY 845-754-7133.
IH 806 Farmall diesel, 18.4x38 70%, 2 hydraulics, 3 pt. roll bar,
canopy, NF, good sheet metal, new filters, GC, $5800. Berkeley Co., WV.
IH 656 gas, 3 pt. NF, runs good, $3,700; 71/2 x 16 wood side wagon, NH
15 gear, $800. Warren Co. 908-995-2977.
IH 3414 loader backhoe, $500. IH Super C, $800. IH FH 214 rollover plow,
IH C cults. Montgomery Co. 215-939-2265.[Well, that 3414 is either long
gone by now, or that price is a typo!]
IH 33 front end loader, fits Farmall H&M 300 - 400, $175. Lancaster Co.
717-367-6059 after 6 p.m.
Horn front loader will fee WFE Farmall tractors, $175; IH drag disk, 5,
$150; 1950s Craftsman table saw. Berks Co. 610-756-3289.
Graham Paige rototiller B-1-6 ser #20209, all original condition, runs,
1948 model, $500 or best offer. Lanc. Co. 717-587-5722.
Front end loader off of Allis Chalmers, WD works, trip bucket, $200 obo.
Cumberland Co. 717-423-6149.
Ford N tractor, pulley unit, $40. John Deere old lawn cart, $185. NH
doorstop cow, farm show version, $60. Lanc. Co. 717-413-5072.
Ford 850 loader tractor w/bucket, forks and 3 pt., nice, $3800. Farmall
340 hi-crop, TA, PS, nice, $3500. Franklin Co. 717-264-5089.
Ford 9N tractor, 12 volt, 3 point, runs good, also 2 horse trailer.
Berks Co. 484-794-7619.
Ford 901 Select O-speed, $2,900 obo; 2000 Chevy 15 pass. van, $1,900;
Ohn Deere 2030, $10,500; Square fenders Ford 5000, nice, $350. Berks Co.
Ford 601 Sauder loader, Land Pride, 3 pt blade, Ford 3 pt scoop, wheel
weights, chains, 3 pt. forks, 3 pt. boom, $3800. Perry Co. 717-567-3549.
Ford 2600 DSL, 6 speed, new paint, exc. tires, $4,800; Stoll Tedder
Rake, $500; Farmall 400, good cond., $2,500. Lehigh Co. 610-285-6451.
Ferguson TO-35 tractor, 3 pt. hitch, run when parked, needs paint,
$1,600, as is. Mercer, NJ 609-259-2379.
Farmall Cub attachments, Woods belly mower, $800; Front blade, chains
and spreader, $650; 2 turf tires, $100. Bradford Co. 570-924-4029.
Farmall Cub F144 cultivator, post type, $250 obo with manual. Lanc. Co.
Farmall Cub, new paint, many new seals, with cultivators, good cond.,
$2,300; Dixon ZTR rider, 30 inch, $700. Berks Co. 610-683-7902.
Farmall M 1941 hyd. snowplow loader, belt pully, tire, chains, 95%
rears, straight metal rebuilt engine, $2,200. Mont. Co. 215-723-0358.
Ferguson 30, very good condition. Comes with blade, $2900. Snyder
County. 570-539-4040.
Ferguson TD30 tractor, overhauled, changed to 12 volt, steering rebuilt,
good rubber, paint, in use daily, with implements. Carbon Co. 570-386-4828.
Farmall W6 diesel, $2400. Farmall H with power steering, $1100.
McCormick B-250 diesel, $1200. Massey 44 WF, $1600. Susq. Co. 570-833-5701.
Farmall Super M, good condition, $3,000 obo. Cumb. Co. 717-776-5299.
Farmall Super C, fast hitch, good running condition, $1,800. Dearborn 6
3 pt sickle bar mower, $250. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
Farmall Super A, sickle mower, cultivators, snow plow, garden plow,
$2,600. Woods L59 belly mower for Super A, $1,000. Warren Co. 908-496-4409.
Cub La-Boy 154 5 Belly Mower, turf tires, new front tire, yellow and
white, runs good, $2,495. Dauphin Co. 717-533-7345.
AC B1 tractor, $2,800; Howard 4 ft., 3 pt., rotovator, $600; Farmall SAV
w/cutts, $2,300; Cub cults, $200. Bucks Co. 215-598-7546.
8N Ford, $1775. JD 1219 haybine, needs rolls, $400. Little Giant gravity
bin, NH gear, $600. IH #2400 round baler, $400. Lanc. Co. 717-475-3107.
8N Ford tractor, very good condition, $2500. Mens ram laser golf clubs,
SS, barely used, RH, $150. Lehigh Co. 610-285-4122.
800 Ford tractor with over running PTO, coupler, ready for work or show,
MF 5 ft. disk. Ha. Co. 410-452-5618.
8-N Ford, new tires, good paint, recent overhaul, Sherman trans., 3 pt.
hitch, good solid tractor, $2800. Monroe Co. 570-992-6188.
1950 Farmall H power steering and hydraulics with 6 ft. Bushhog mower,
like new. $1600. Adams Co. 717-752-6435.
1950 soda boxes (sliders) model ideal 7Up Canada Dry, nice condition,
newer Pepsi chest holds 105 cans or bottles. Montgomery Co. 215-659-1799.
1952 Oliver row crop 77 diesel tractor in excellent original condition.
Remotes, live PTO, belt pulley, tricycle front, $3,000. Patrick Co., Va.
1953 Dodge 1/2 ton pickup, ugly, great mechanically, PA inspected,
$4700. Gravely 10 Hp walk behind w/40 mower, $800. Chester Co. 610-255-0504.
1953 Ford pickup original 35,000 miles in exc. cond. 1 Row cultivator
for Farmall Cub. Centre Co. 814-574-3261, 364-1977, Jtg: moreJgil at aol.com.
1948 J.D.B. new tires, Delaval bucket milkers, Ford flat head V8 motor,
milk dumping station. Jefferson Co. 814-856-2885 evenings.
1948 Willys Jeepster not running, good body, was sold before he backed
out, $1,700 title. Cecil Co. 410-378-9440.
1941 Chevy 2 door sedan, not running, typical rust, could run nice,
seats good, rat rod. $1,600. Cecil Co. 410-378-9440.
1940 Ford rear fenders, Chevy 1956 265 coin engine, rebuilt, $2300.
Chevy 1972 400 SB rebuilt engine. 1 pr. camelback heads. Montgomery Co.
1939 Ford 9N tractor, 32 wheeler. Rebuilt starter, generator, carburetor
valve job, great mechanical condition, needs paint, $2700. Chester Co.
Farmall Cub 1948, live hyd. cultivator, $1,500; EX-Go golf carts, gas
with tops, $1,000 and up. Tioga Co. 570-549-5731.
Ford 1942 4 dr., V8, complete, most original, not running, for restore
or parts. last registered 1976, $2,950 OBO. Hunterdon Co. 908-303-6067.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
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