[AJD] Can I use late a connecting rods in my 36 AR??

Chris C jdnutinwa at yahoo.com
Sat May 6 11:55:15 PDT 2006

  Hello ALl, 

   I am having a problem with my Unstyled 36 AR,  It
seems that no one makes an oversized (.090) over
piston.  I keep finding people that tell me they have
them,  but what they have are late styled pistons that
have a .25 inch larger pin,  and are about 5/8" longer
from the pin center to the head of the piston than the
unstyled pistons.

    So,  I was examining my stock of connecting rods, 
and the early AR rods appeear to be (in a side by side
comparison)  the same as the late A rods,  with the
exception of the larger pin hole,  which I need, so
they should work.

   Has anyone used newer rods in the older tractor? 
If so I am set,  I have loads of rods..  Then all I
have to do is figure out how to make the pistons that
are too big work...


Chris Carl
Camano Island, Washington
Collector of:
John Deere
Bucyrus Erie

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