[AT] Deere plant visit
Ronald L. Cook
rlcook at pionet.net
Thu May 4 10:55:05 PDT 2006
I don't know, Walt. But Deere painted some things red, so I'll guess...Red.
Ron Cook
Salix, Ia
DAVIESW739 at aol.com wrote:
> In a message dated 5/4/2006 10:08:13 A.M. Pacific Daylight Time,
> rlcook at pionet.net writes:
> I'll be darned. Green with yellow wheels. Who'd a thunk it?
> Ron Cook
> Salix, IA
> Quick, without looking Ron what color is the Sickle bar.
> Walt Davies
> Cooper Hollow Farm
> Monmouth, OR 97361
> 503 623-0460
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