[Farmall] RE: RE: IH 100 mower

E. John Puckett ejpuckett at centurytel.net
Fri Mar 17 09:42:17 PST 2006

Growing up we had a very old IH pitman mower (model unknown).  It was 
originally made for the F20 if I remember correctly but Dad extended the 
frame to allow use on an H.  When doing custom haying we used it 
primarily, even though we had a later one.  The reason for using it in 
the custom work was that if you hit something it would swing a full 90 
degrees behind you where the later one would only go 45 degrees.  When 
you were mowing in unfamiliar fields that could save some serious damage.

Kurt Musgrave wrote:
> Growing up we had a 100 balanced head mower we used on the 350 Utility.  We
> also had an older pitman type, not sure the model, 27-??, that we used on
> the farmall 300.  Dad for some reason unknown to me did not like the 100.
> He always mowed hay using the older pitman one.  Only time the 100 got used
> was when there was someone else to run it and mow using both.  I remember
> the 100 still having the paint pretty good on it when dad traded it off for
> an 816 mower-conditioner.  The 816 had been converted from the "flick bar"
> to the rotating drum with rubber fingers, it worked good, but there was some
> kind of problem with it as it would break the sickle head off quite often.
> We used the 816 for a few years and then it got traded on a Hesston 500
> swather.  I now have a 1000 9 ft. balanced head trailing type that was my
> father in law's that I use on the M for mowing around the yard.  It works
> real nice on the M.  I have a Hesston 1014+2 I mow hay with and I don't
> think I have ever cut 40 acres without having something break on it.  I
> would really love to find an old IH 5000 swather and get rid of my 1014.
> Kurt
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