[AT] Waaay OT_Cell Phine Idiots

Steve W. falcon at telenet.net
Mon Mar 13 17:40:47 PST 2006

For emergency use a cell will dial 911without being on a plan. That is
federal law. There are a few groups out there that collect older phones
and then program them with 911 and other emergency numbers then give
them out to folks who have been beaten by spouses/others.

Steve Williams

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Thompson" <spudthompson at agiftofmaine.com>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
<at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 12:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Waaay OT_Cell Phine Idiots

> Mike Sloane wrote:
> >>I absolutely agree, Larry. Bad cell phone manners are one of my pet
> >>peeves, and if they ever come out with a "ray gun" that instantly
> >>a cell phone (permanently!) from a distance, I will be the first one
> >>line to buy one. :-)
> I have to agree with you guys.  There are some real idiots out there
> cell phones.  I feel they should require IQ and etiquette tests before
> person can buy one. A couple weeks ago I pulled up at the gas station
> fuel up and there was this woman there pumping gas, with her vehicle
> and talking on her cell phone.  I pointed out the signs to her that
> you should shut off your engine and not use your cell phone and all
she did
> was ignore me.  I told her again and she continued to ignore me.
> the person she talking to on the phone asked her what was going on and
> said, "Some grumpy old jerk is giving me shit about talking on my
> while I'm pumping gas."  She was definitely on a suicide mission, but
> wasn't really interested in going with her if she blew the place up.
> think that the gas stations should actively enforce those rules.  I
> complained to the station attendant and she said, " Oh, I would have
> to her if I realized she was doing that."  Not to bright either...all
> attendant had to do was look out the window and she could have seen
> exhaust vapor.  It was February in Northern Maine!!!!  My wife
> hates cell phones and refuses to own one.  I've been tempted but we
> for a CB radio for emergencies when we travel.
> Greetings from Northern Maine,
> Bill "Spud" Thompson
> Katahdin Valley Farm
> Sherman Mills, Maine
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