[AT] Waaay OT_Cell Phone Idiots
pga2 at hot1.net
pga2 at hot1.net
Mon Mar 13 16:16:10 PST 2006
Simply check snopes.com to see if it's a hoax.
The gas can thing did happen, but only under the
circumstances I described. As long as there is
no plastic bedliner, there is no problem.
----- Original Message -----
>From : Bill Thompson <spudthompson at agiftofmaine.com>
Sent : Mon, 13 Mar 2006 15:53:29 -0500
To : Antique tractor email discussion group <at at lists.antique-
Subject : Re: [AT] Waaay OT_Cell Phone Idiots
>Very interesting.... I wonder why all the gas stations waste money putting
up those signs if its an urban legend. What's your opinion about the static
electricity warnings. I've seen video on TV of that, but maybe that's a
hoax too.
Bill "Spud" Thompson aka "The Jerk"
Katahdin Valley Farm
Sherman Mills, Maine
----- Original Message -----
From: "Henry Miller" <hank at millerfarm.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Waaay OT_Cell Phine Idiots
> On Monday 13 March 2006 11:04, Bill Thompson wrote:
>> person can buy one. A couple weeks ago I pulled up at the gas station to
>> fuel up and there was this woman there pumping gas, with her vehicle
>> running and talking on her cell phone. I pointed out the signs to her
>> that
>> state you should shut off your engine and not use your cell phone and all
>> she did was ignore me. I told her again and she continued to ignore me.
>> Evidently the person she talking to on the phone asked her what was going
>> on and she said, "Some grumpy old jerk is giving me shit about talking on
>> my phone while I'm pumping gas." She was definitely on a suicide
>> mission,
>> but I wasn't really interested in going with her if she blew the place
>> up.
> No she was not on a suicide mission. When you pull into a gas station
> your
> exhaust system is hot enough to kick off any explosion. (Often 1000
> degrees). If there was any concentration of fuel could explode, every
> one
> of us would have lost family members from pulling into a gas station, and
> this would have been going on since gas cars.
> A cell phone does not put out enough power to start a fire. I've only
> heard
> of one experiment that was able to start a fire with a cell phone, (Which
> is
> nearly impossible to achieve in open air), and then threw the phone down
> so
> that the battery came off. The radio signal itself did not start
> anything.
> No surprise to anyone who has taken physics.
> Of course cell phones are not designed for use in areas where the
> atmosphere
> is explosive. Anyone using a cell phone in such an area is an idiot, but
> a
> gas station is not such an area.
> In short, in in this case she was right, you were a jerk. (I'm not
> sure
> about leaving the engine running, but I see this enough, that I discount
> any
> possibility of harm, other than environmental)
> There are plenty of times where using a cell phone is rude. At a gas
> station
> is not one of them.
> Links/references:
> http://www.snopes.com/autos/hazards/gasvapor.asp
> http://www.safetycenter.navy.mil/Articles/a-m/cellphone.htm
> http://www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/c/cellgas.htm
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