[AT] Glub glub...
David Myers
walking_tractor at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 10 15:59:43 PST 2006
Farmer, we got a bit of it up here in Michigan ('bout
3/4") but really dodged the bullet last night. The
predictions were for 2" of the stuff and they had
flood warnings up in places. Whew!! The stargazers
were wrong and we got just a trace.
We really need a few feet to make up for the dry
seasons we've had the last few years but earthly
cycles will surely make up for that later on,
hopefully spread out over time.
I wonder, iffn we was to get a party together and have
everybody bring a tractor toy to play with, think we
could dig a ditch to the southwest and help H. L. and
all with their dust control? Let's see, how many Cubs
per mile divided by potluck dinners, multiplied by
shimstock at the infernos equals????
Dave Myers
Paw Paw, MI
--- Indiana Robinson <robinson at svs.net> wrote:
> I sure wish some of you folks that need some rain
> were getting
> some of this mess that is flooding us right now.
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