IH 100 mower (was Re: [Farmall] "new" mower needs ID

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Fri Mar 17 04:49:16 PST 2006

Austin Hurst wrote:
> I'm wondering if that hydraulic cylinder on the 100 balanced mower is 
> original?  I have see a lot of those mowers but never one with a hyd. 
> cylinder.  Looks like a good idea, however.
It is not the original IH cylinder (it has a Central Tractor decal on 
it), but I am pretty sure it originally came with one. I Googled and 
found an image of another 100 mower, and it has a cylinder. I think the 
whole point of the "Balanced head" (pitmanless) arrangement is that it 
can mow in any position from about -15° down to 90° vertical. At least 
that is what I can see from just looking at it and the seller's comments 
about using it to maintain ATV trails through his woods. I will know 
more after I get the manual.

> Austin

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>

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