[AT] Some ads from the 3/11 Lancaster Farming

Mike Sloane mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Mar 11 16:03:41 PST 2006

Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to subscribers) Mailbox 
Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper for 
3/11/06. For the full listing, go to <www.lancasterfarming.com> [my 
comments, if any, are in brackets]

For Sale:

Woods Mod. Du-all loader w/7 ft. bucket, mounts on JD 3020, $2200 obo. 
Ford 6.9 diesel engine, out of F250, $750. York Co. 717-244-6312.

Woods 6 3 pt. finish mower, new blades $250; belt pulley for Ford $25; 3 
pt. cultivator $25. MIfflin Co. 717-543-6479.

WD-9 tractor on steel $3,500. American 4 head moulder $1,200. Amos 
Stoltzfus, 499 Shady Rd., Newburg, Pa. 17240 Cumberland Co. 717-423-5152.
Two Farmall regulars, one on rear steel, enough parts to make one good 
one out of two, $800. Fayette Co. 724-326-4067.

Two antique barber chairs, need restored, $550 for both Lanc. Co. 

Rotary parts cleaning washer, like new. Fulton Co. 717-573-2823.
Rare walk behind tractors, garden tractors including JD110/318; flywheel 
with ice cream maker on cart; telephone booths; decoys. Atlantic Co. 

Quick attach. Dunham 2200 loader, 60 bucket, 24 deep frame for mounting 
on Ford, working cond., $500 obo. Lancaster Co. 717-733-6206.

Parting out Farmall 484 and 450 International suitcase weights for sale. 
Armstrong Co. 724-664-7403.

Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs 
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.

Oliver 77 row crop gas tractor, good condition, straight tin ware all 
around, all tires 80%, Perry Co., 717-582-2653.

Mot mower snow plow chains for Cub Farmall, Farmall H hood, gas tank 
hood and grill, head. Call after 6 p.m. Montg. Co. 610-948-4674.

John Deere model B, year 1948, call for further details, serious 
inquiries only please. Columbia Co. 570-784-8154.

John Deere in restored, John Deere 550 dozer, 1949 JD MC crawler, IH 
grain drill, 13x7 grass seeder. Lycoming Co. 570-482-2070.
John Deere B 1949 #247531 roll-a-matic, good tires, garage kept, runs 
great, nice org. condition, $2,600, Cecil Co., MD, 410-378-3032.

John Deere B 1947, recent paint, runs good, $1,500. Woods 7 pull behind 
mower $345. Bucks Co. 215-343-0156.
John Deere 2 cylinder wheel weights, part #D2628R, $200 set, also top 
link for JD 4320, $175. York Co. 717-577-8183.

JD model BR, good original condition, $6,000 obo. 1963 Chevy truck, runs 
good, some rust, $3,000 obo. Kent. Co., Md. 410-643-5637.
JD A parts, radiator, Farmall 300, JD B head, few other B parts, JD 1219 
haybine, $4,000. Montour Co. 570-850-3449.
JD 620 row crop $2,000. Backhoe attachment 22 bucket stationary $500 
obo. Wyoming Co. 570-833-4189.
JD 210 mid 1960 crawler loader, good undercarriage, eng. in basket, IH 
340 utility tractor with loader. Middlesex Co., NJ. 609-395-0573.

J.D. 50 straight orig. tractor, 4 new tires, good mech. cond. w/J.D. 
hyd. front snowplow, runs strong $3,750. Berks Co. 610-944-9162.

Int Cub Lowboy with mower, snow plow, wheel weights, chains, fair 
conditdion, $2,000 reduced obo. Photos available. Bucks Co. 610-346-6132.
IH 300 utility manifold, $100; Hillside hitch fits Farmall H or M, $40; 
9x32 tires, $125; JD 16 plow shears #A10008A-16, $5 each; Northampton 
Co., 610-759-1307.

Hough loader model HF 3/4 yard bucket, parts machine, make offer; 93 
Ford Taurus, needs tranny & brake lights, make offer; York Co., 

Gas tractors: IH 574, MF 135, with external hydraulic, Ferguson TO-35, 
JD-B with plows, cultivators and corn picker. Perry Co. 717-582-0208.

Funk 9N 6 cyl. conversion engine, stuck, $400. Sherman 2 spd, $200. Ford 
65 up rear wheel weights, call, can deliver. Bedford Co. 814-839-4677.

Front loader, walk-through for Ford 600 tractor, Case LA pull tractor, 
Case wide front SC, good tires. Orange Co. 845-374-2412.
Front mounted forklift, $200; Ford 3500 G not running, $1,875; Ford 500 
G not running, $1,875; IH 424G not running $1,875; Bucks Co. 610-847-5907.
Ford 8-N clean, runs good, 12 H.P., 30 Gravely mower with sulky. 
Northampton Co. 610-759-1126.

Ford 2000 tractor not running, early model for parts or repair; wanted 
501 Ford 7 hay mower. Warren Co. 540-635-7058.

Ford 4000 loader tractor engine replaced 8 yrs. ago. tires half tread. 
$5,200 or obo. Lebanon Co. 717-821-1234.

Ferguson TO-30 overhauled, good rubber, paint, new 12-volt electrical 
system. Also homemade small utility tractor with loader, more. Carbon 
Co. 570-386-4828.

Farmall Cub lowboy, early, snow plow, tire chain, Mott mower, turf 
tires. Runs great, needs paint. $1500 obo. Bucks Co. 215-822-1688.

Farmall Cub lowboy, needs tuneup $800; IH 240 nf fast hitch $1400; Both 
great antique project tractors. Bedford Co. 814-977-5454.
Farmall M, rims good, $100. 1 bad, $20 3pt. hitch with cylinder for 
Farmall M, $300 obo. Lanc. Co. 717-733-8106.

Farmall Super A cultivators, $125. Farmall front wheel weights A, B, C, 
H, M, $125. Farmall Super A, good shape, $1675. Tompkins Co. 607-279-5078.

Farmall Super C, GC, $1275 obo. Front SC - C, cults, $75. JD 700 high 
cycle sprayer, $875. BC773 C, $8000. Montgomery Co. 215-939-2265.

Farmall 560 parts tractor $1,200; Ford 8N, hi-low $2,600; AC-G nice 
$5,200; Two nice millstones. Cumb. Co. 717-776-7788.

Farmall A rear wheel wts., $75 pr.; Ford 8N ring wts., $200 pr.; Ford 3, 
4, 5000 F&R wts.; Ferguson 3 pt. Carry-all, $150. Bucks Co. 610-847-5907.

D-17 New clutch seals in hydraulic, main hydraulic shaft, manifold good 
tires, sheet metal. all good. runs good. Schuylkill Co. 570-345-3546.

Cub Lowboy with 4 loader, wheel weights, PTO, runs good, $2900. 4 row 
potato planter, field ready, $500. Lackawanna Co. 570-689-7830.

Cub Cadet 128 with 48 deck, $400; Sears drop spreader, 48 balloon tires, 
no rust, $150. Chester Co. 610-323-9496.
Cub Cadet 122 w/42 or 48 deck $400. Chester Co. 610-323-9496.
Crane Bucyrus Erie 22-B 318 Cat engine, 45 ft. boom, $3250. Cecil Co. 

AC tractors, W-D-45 #C. Flat wagons, 8-16, 4 tons. 12 Gehl hay bind. AC 
6 bottom land plow. 16-26 tires. Lancaster Co. 717-733-8708.

Allis Chalmers G w/original restored belly mower $3500 cash wanted; 8-12 
Chinese geese up to 1-1/2 yr. old. Talbot Co. 410-822-1057.

Allis G tractor, cultivators, Buddingham finger weeder, 1 row Powell 
transplanter, 4 ft. Zimmerman transplanter/drip, irrigation attachment, 
Hellericks-farm at juno.com. Bucks Co. 215-249-0241.
AC D-15 3pt, good runner, $3200. Cambria Co. 814-421-5350.

AC snap coupler 3x14 plow, spring trip bottoms, depth wheel, concave 
coulters, exc. covering sod and fodder $350. Lebanon Co. 717-838-3696.
8N Ford tractor, good condition, hi-low transmission, new paint, front 
blade, chains, $2500. Must see. Call evenings. Potter Co. 814-334-5609.

3 point hitch for H, M, 300 etc. series Farmall tractors with cylinder, 
good condition, located in New Jersey. $400. 732-742-8966.

2 Farmall M tractors for sale, 1 parts, 1 three point NH, 892 Harvester 
pickup head, 1010 harrow. Schuylkill Co. 570-682-8127.
1940 9N Ford; 1941 Farmall H; 1948 Oliver 77 rowcrop, all excellent 
shape and paint. Email rgshelly at tricounty1.net. Perry Co. 717-444-3568.
1940 JD L, Fordson cleated rear wheels, sports plug, tune-up & wiper 
blade, cabinets, teak & other rare wood, wire press. Bucks Co. 215-536-1148.

39 Farmall H parts/fix, 80 Iveco (Mack Midliner), 10 dump diesel COE 
farm truck CDL (or less). Susquehanna Co. 570-289-4234.

Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
mikesloane at verizon.net
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>

You can safely assume that you've created God in your own image
when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
-Anne Lamott, writer (1954- )

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