[AT] pipe threads

David Myers walking_tractor at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 25 04:04:41 PDT 2006

Mike, that is my thinking on the letter designation
also (just a kinda made sense thing to me).  And to
add to my confusion is 'MTP' and 'FTP', I assume
meaning male and female taper pipe? (I have seen these
but are not sure if they're even a proper
JIC is a straight thread 37deg. taper SEAT fitting,
used for medium presssure hydraulics.  JIC is being
phased out in favor of the flat face O'ring fittings
(FFOR, For-Seal, and other trade names).  There is
also straight thread O'ring fittings, more commonly
used to mate to valve blocks etc.  Of course, I have
come across the dreaded 'Proprietary Fitting' WAY to
many times!  Hope this isn't the case.

Dave Myers
Paw Paw, MI

--- Mike Reggie <mrreg_99 at hotmail.com> wrote:

>   This is just a guess, but I always thought the "F"
> after the NPT stood for 
> female, I've also seen it following the designation
> NPS, which is generally 
> just used for electrical fittings and is the same
> thread without the sealing 
> capability of the tapered thread. Again just a
> guess, but could the thread 
> you are looking for be a JIC thread?? I don't know
> how long that thread has 
> been in use, but it seems to be a finer thread than
> the standard pipe 
> thread, and I think it tapers.

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