[AT] 3-Bottom Trailer Plow
Lew Best
bee_keeper at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 24 20:08:06 PDT 2006
Hey Dave
Yeah; they're real tight here now; require state issued photo id to sell
anything except aluminum cans. Thieves even carting of central air
conditioning units; cut the lines where they go into the wall & haul
them off to strip them.
Lew Best near Waco, TX
Two weeks ago a gang(?) hit 25 or so irrigation rigs
and stripped off all the cables. Some conservative
figuring yeilds more than 2 miles of copper wire!
These high scrap prices are hurting everybody,
especially the victims and the honest scrappers.
Dave Myers
Paw Paw, MI
P.S. My two unrestored plows (one Oliver tractor drawn
and one JD horse drawn) will be safe from the torch
for now, and hopefully longer.
Disclaimer: above statement meant to keep my comments
at least a little bit on topic :-).
--- Lew Best <bee_keeper at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Might want to check around on prices; I got 100 a
> ton on old commercial
> clothes dryers last week (called "prepared tin" but
> were whole except
> for a few scavenged parts) so short iron ought to be
> way higher than
> that I'd think? Was quoted $2.10 a pound for #2
> copper! Unbelievable
> prices.
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