[Farmall] Red power attendance
Jim Becker
jim.becker at verizon.net
Sun Jun 11 13:40:12 PDT 2006
I noticed Darrell has been adding them to the calendar lately. I thuoght he
was trying to fill the page. I don't think that a year ago you saw much
listed that was more than a year ahead. If you go look at the web site, you
will find entries for one each RPR, auction and winter convention. Two out
of three of them are history. The only way you find a web site for anything
later is to know what chapter is doing it and follow the links through to
the chapter sites.
It is amazing how little attention people pay to some things. I've lost
track of how many posts have been on this mailing list telling when and
where this year's RPR is, yet people keep asking.
Jim Becker jim.becker at verizon.net
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Schmudlach" <mschmudlach at charter.net>
To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:36 PM
Subject: Re: [Farmall] Red power attendance
> The shows are not kept a secret.
> In the last Harvester Highlights they even list the next RPRUs.
> PA in 2007 and Missouri in 2008.
> 2009 has not been voted on yet.
> Iowa, SD and Wisconsin are all bidding on it.
> One of the problems with IHCC is that most IH Collectors are not members.
> Redpower magazine has a circulation of 2 times larger than
> the membership of IHCC (less than 7,000).
> I learned that when we put on the Winter Convention in 2005 people got
> really confused when we started promoting it more than a year in advance.
> I
> guess they couldn't figure out that the 2005 in our promotion meant 2005
> not
> 2004. I also had some guy write to me complaining that he would of come
> if
> we had advertised. He told me that Redpower magazine would list our event
> for free.
> When I told him we were listed in the magazine for almost 2 years and had
> a
> 2 page ad for 4 issues, he told me I was full of it. I told him to check
> it
> out and get back to me. I could not believe all of the people who told
> me
> that they didn't know about the convention. How much advertising does a
> person have to do.
> If people want to know what is going on with IHCC they should join. It is
> a
> mere $15 for national and $10 for most state chapters.
> Mike
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jim Becker" <jim.becker at verizon.net>
> To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 9:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [Farmall] Red power attendance
>> Bloomsburg, PA. http://www.red-power-roundup-2007.com/ I don't
> understand
>> why our national organization feels so bound to keep future locations a
>> secret until all previous shows are over.
>> Jim Becker jim.becker at verizon.net
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Richard Pope" <popeman at verizon.net>
>> To: "Farmall/IHC mailing list" <farmall at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 8:01 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Farmall] Red power attendance
>> > Does anybody know where the 2007 Roundup will be held? I'm hoping to
>> > attend.
>> >
>> > Richard Pope
>> > Apple Valley, CA
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