[AT] Some ads from the 7/29 Lancaster Farming
Thomas O. Mehrkam
tomehrkam at houston.rr.com
Sun Jul 30 13:14:45 PDT 2006
It just so happens I have one of those next to my Lazy Boy. A friend of
mine found two of then when his mother in law died.
28th edition just like yours. It is a small world.
Larry D. Goss wrote:
>>For Sale:
>>Operation, care and repair of farm machinery, tenth edition by John
>>Deere. 1936-37, $25. Other JD books. Lanc. Co. 717-394-4219.
> Humm. It's rare when I find something listed in these ads that I happen
> to also have for sale. I've got the 28th edition for sale from 1957.
> I'm wondering about the sequencing. Were there new editions during the
> war years? My edition is 18 subsequent to the one that's advertised in
> Lancaster county, but it's 21 years later in copy write. Mine was
> published close to the end of the two-cylinder era for John Deere when
> they were using three-digit model numbers.
> For any of you that are not familiar with this publication, it is a
> textbook used in high school Vo-Ag and FFA. It is also a virtual
> operation and maintenance manual for the current John Deere agricultural
> equipment of the time. Contact me off list if you're interested in my
> copy.
> Larry
> rlgoss at evansville.net
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