[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 7/22 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jul 22 15:16:25 PDT 2006
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 7/22/2006. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Wooden silo can be used for storage or lookout tower with floors,
windows and stairs optional. Lanc. Co. 717-768-3185.
Wisconsin Engine parts, 200+ older N.O.5., attending Cumberland Valley
PA. Gas Show 8-12, call after 6 p.m., Harrisonburg, VA, 540-828-2545.
Ugly skid steer New Holland L455 3 cyl. diesel, runs great, many new
parts, needs bucket. $2,200. OBO. Mont. Co. 215-723-0358. [That is sooo
Two John Deere Bs, one hand start, one elec. start in good cond., all
orig. Columbia Co. 570-784-8154.
Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.
Panzer L&G tractor, Penna. Model T758ES, Kohler eng. running good, needs
TLC, good restoration project, $250 obo. Berks Co. 610-944-9162.
Power King 16 hp, 48 on hydraulic 3 pt., $800; Ford tractor plow, 3x14
reset, $300. Chester Co. 610-644-0747.
Preperator for Skidsteer G6, $2,750. Tramac hammer, new point $3,500.
Lowe auger, like new 12 bit, $2,500, Delaware 610-565-1649. [For those
who don't know, a "preperator" is kind of like a rotary tiller but with
short stubby points instead of blades. You can use it to prepare lawns
or renovate dirt lanes, etc. It also removes any rocks. Pretty neat, but
Three canvases for JD 7 ft. binder; Binder for parts; 1948 JDB, new
tires, two bottom trail plow. Jefferson Co. 814-856-2885 eves.
Skid loader, air tires or steel wheels, hydraulic, complete overhaul,
good Wisconsin gas engine, $3,800. Lancaster Co. 717-661-7786. [The ride
on a rubber tire skid steer is pretty rough; I can imagine how one on
steel wheels would jar the fillings out of your teeth.]
New Char-Lynn P/S motor coupler, control valve, mounting bracket, fits
Farmall M, 8N, rear brake shoes, axle, seals. Chester Co. 484-256-2101.
McCormick 10-20 1926 11x12x21 pine heart wood barn beam, 1930 model A
chassis w/engine, Fordson and Model T parts. York Co. 717-244-6142.
Massey Ferguson 50 with Massey loader. Has down pressure, good paint,
$6900. Franklin Co. 717-263-9504.
Landpride 25-72 Power Rake, Excellent Condition, Heavy-Duty, Asking
$4,700; Ford 2N, Good Rubber, Make Offer, Bucks Co., 610-737-4219.
JD 440 tractor, needs trans. work. 814-627-1277. Huntingdon Co.
11/2 and 5 hp throttle Govern White engines, $1,000; Orangeville
thrasher, museum piece on steel trucks, $1,000. Columbia Co. 570-752-2509.
John Deere B 1948, runs good, good tin and rubber, must sell, best
offer. York Co. 717-938-5818.
JDs unstyled J, unstyled G, on rear round spokes, unstiled B on full
round spokes, unstyled B on rear round spokes. Perry Co. 717-514-4655.
JD 420 3 pt overhaul, $6,000. JD B, $2,800. Ford 1600 diesel 3p
snowblade, nice, $4,500. 1985 Ford dump, $6,000. Perry Co. 717-275-3039
JD 420W 1957, Ford 2N 1947, brush hogs, 4 ft & 5 ft, 3 pt rear scraper
blades, 3 pt cultivators, golf cart. Perry Co. 717-582-3752.
Horst, Danco, IH 8 ton wagon gears; Sauder front end loader off older
Ford tractor, Oliver 3 section drag harrow. Berks Co. 610-488-6903.
Good used belt pulley for JD L&LA, $3,950; Model A lawn water pipe, $35;
new tractor steps, $59. Cumb. Co. 717-249-2591. [That pulley must be
made out of solid gold!]
Front end loader for Farmall H or M series with 7 foot material or snow
bucket, working condition in NJ. $150 or offer. 732-742-8966.
Ford 601 Sauder loader, 3pt. Landpride blade, Ford scoop, forks, boom,
tire chains, rear wheel weights, $3,500, Perry Co., 717-567-3549.
Ford Ferguson TE2, $950. York Co. 717-862-3271.
Farmall 140 with snow plow, fast hitch plow, $4,800; Farmall 706 gas,
$4,800; Sand Pride finishing mower, $1,600. Comb. Co. 717-776-7788.
Farmall 400 tractor. New tires and paint; power steering; torque; runs
good. $3295. Super H for parts, $595. York Co. 717-637-1957.
Farmall 450 good rubber, 3 pt. hitch, power steering, live PTO, JA
straight tin, good running tractor, $3,500. Mounth Co. 609-758-9236.
Farmall H with loader, runs ok but not running, good, paint, needs rear
tires, $900 firm, York Co., 717-487-0212. ["runs ok but not running"?
Now there is some wishful thinking at work.]
Farmall Super H, $2,500; JD 336 baler with chure, $2,000; SC Case with
eagle hitch, needs restored, $900. Lancaster Co. 717-989-6665.
Farmall Super M tractor, $2,800; 1091 Heston field ready, $800; Bushhog
6 rotary mower, $475. Lancaster Co. 717-475-3107.
Drawbar, F-Cub, swinging part-only-$40. Also, spring-tooth cultivator,
for rear operation. Depth control iron wheels $275. Ocean Co., N.Y.
Cut tires 16.9x34; 801 3 pt. hitch; JD-B shutters; JD All fuel
manifolds; air compressor; 10 hp Suller; JD-45 loader. Whiteford, MD
410-452-8270 after 6 p.m.
David Bradley sickle bar mower and one bottom plow, best offer. Lanc.
Co. 717-738-4228.
David Bradley walk behind garden tractor. Forward/reverse, high/low
range, all original, $200, another one $125. Blair Co. 814-696-3377.
Case 500 farm tractor w/loader, $4,500. Case 3x plow, f/eagle hitch,
42x42 pallet boxes. Sch. Co. 570-345-4882.
Case 900 tractor on steel, working cond., needs some repairs, $2,200;
Min. pinsher, stud service/mini horse supplies. Lancaster Co. 717-442-0164.
Antique Cub Cadet, model 122, 48 mower, 36 snow thrower, wheel weights
and chains, good condition, $450 O.B.O., Lancaster Co., 717-687-9033.
Allis Chalmers HD7G B-series, 100% bottom, powershift, 1971, 9k obo. AC
HD 11EP dozer, power-tilt, good bottom, powershift, 9k obo. Bucks Co.
Allis Chalmers C tractor w/plows, cultivator and sickle bar mower,
$1250. Ford 2-14 plow, $225. Rabbit hutch, $125. Columbia Co. 570-864-2594.
Allis Chalmers HD-6 bulldozer, mint condition, straight blade, hydraulic
track adjusters, $6,500 or best offer. Call after 8 p.m. Chester Co.
AC-WC unstyled radiator, good condition. Snyder Co. 570-658-7577.
AC-G with cult. hand lift, runs good, $2,600; AC-C and AC-CA NFE,
Brockway Farm tractor, restorable, $4,200; York Co., 717-292-6292.
9N Ford, 3pt, mid mount sickle bar mower, good rubber, $1800 offers.
Baltimore Co. 410-922-5742.
930 Case tractor diesel, overhauled approx. 5 yr. ago, starter needs
some work, $200 obo. Lancaster Co. 717-445-8477.
1928 John Deere GP, restored with pto and books, some extra parts,
starts and runs good. Lycoming Co. 570-745-3212.
1948 John Deere A, new rubber & carb, electric start, good cond. Best
offer over $2500. Center Co. 814-692-4916.
1951 Super C Farmall, restored, painted, good tires, show ready, no fast
hitch, two drawbars, $2,750. Comb. Co. 717-243-9122.
1974 International tractor model 140, PTO quick hitch, 1600 hrs., 4 Cyl.
gas, 25 HP eng., good cond. $2,150. Bucks Co., 215-669-2268.
1979 Intl 2500A tractor, diesel, hydrostatic, wheel weights, cab, $4,500
obo or trade for truck loader or excavator. Susq. Co. 570-650-5917.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us that the
less we use our power the greater it will be. -Thomas Jefferson,
third US president, architect and author (1743-1826)
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