[Farmall] Some ads from the 7/15 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jul 15 15:49:26 PDT 2006
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 7/15/2006. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Wainroy 450 diesel loader, backhoe, Ford ind. engine, runs well; front
bucket and backhoe, both work, $1,600. Delaware Co. 610-566-3239.
Two 1956 International S-100 pick-ups. One was running and tagged a year
ago. Other one for parts, $2,000. Carroll Co. 443-375-7649.
To swap Allis C, valued $1,200 for Hit & Miss engine of equal value.
Lancaster Co. 717-684-8517.
Tractor, Ford 8N runs good, good tires, very good tin, $2,400. Perry Co.
Small antique outboard motor, runs. Old motor driven, one wheel garden
cultivator, complete, not running. $75 ea. Lancaster Co. 717-548-2720.
Snow plow fits Farmall H hydraulic lift, good shape, BO; Flail
chopper/mower, 5 cut. Perry Co. 717-589-7505.
Life magazines, have hundreds, 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s, $1 each,
take one or all, great ads, Lebanon Co., 717-838-1115.
Maytag engines (five) twin, upright, long frame, plus parts, all for
$600 firm; other engines cheap; Adams Co., 717-677-4369.
MF 65 utility diesel tractor, new tires rear, 80% front, field ready or
exc. for restoration, $5,000 firm. Lancaster Co. 717-733-6997.
Oliver 550 gas, power adjust rims, swinging drawbar, nice tine, manual,
extras, $4500. 90GPM water pump w/hoses, $200. Tioga Co. 570-537-3636.
Oliver 550, gd. condition, restored, adj. wheels, $4,500; new Pequea
tedders: 710, 910, 9 ft. rotary; Lancaster Co., 717-626-5033.
Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.
John Deere E 11/2 hp, Hit & Miss, new paint, rebuilt, runs good, $2,100.
Lancaster Co. 717-445-9190.
John Deere 60 R.S. Redone, runs excellent, looks sharp, hour meter,
$5,500; JD 2x14 pull plow on steel rope trip, York Co., 717-432-3991.
John Deere 5 wheeler, new paint, rebuilt motor, new tires, too many new
parts to list, $1,600 obo. Northumberland Co. 570-274-5849.
John Deere 420 crawler w/loader, $5,000. Vinyl fencing assorted sizes
w/posts & gates, $85. Antique King Cream separator. $250. Lanc. Co.
John Deere G wide front $4,500; 35 brass tag B $3,500; 520, 630, $6,000.
Aluminum headboard for 102 trailer, Susquehanna Co. 570-446-3170.
JD As 1951 Serial #s 683429 & 687411, $2,800 ea. Cambria Co. 814-421-5350.
JD A 1948, nice, $2,250; JD B, 1940, good, $2,250; W.M. quart jars,
$2.00 dozen; IH 400 pulley, 14 inch, $100; York Co., 717-225-6169.
JD 720 E.S.D., $6,500; JD L, $3,000; JD 320, $12,500; Oliver 66, $2,500;
Ford 8N, $2,500; Ford 2N, $2,000; Franklin Co., 717-532-2873.
JD 2010 wide front 2200 hrs., $4,200; New Idea 290 haybine, $250, works.
3 pt. Bush Hog, $150. York Co. 717-246-1710.
JD 3010, gas, NF, 3pt, new rear tires, Dion forage wagon, 3 beater,
$750; JD 50, 3pt, $3,600; Butler Co., 724-283-0196.
Hough Payloader Model H.A.H., runs very well, good for farm, $2,500.
OBO. Berks Co. 610-562-8631.
Hit & miss engs, Galloway 2 1/4 cart & Bucksaw rig, $1800. F&M Z 3 hp.
w/air comp on cart, $975. 4 hp Cushman. Berks Co. 610-367-4139.
IH hydro 86 diesel tractor, 2135 hrs., $10,000; IH hydro 656 gas
tractor, 4,600 hrs., $5,000; Case IH 5100 grain drill, $3,500. Frederick
Co. 301-845-4561.
Hydraulic lift for F12 - F14 tractors. Chester County, 610-431-3589.
Hough pay loader, 3-53N Detroit diesel engine, rear wheel steering,
tires fair cond., 3 spd. power shift transmission. $4,500 OBO.
Cumberland Co. 717-776-7725.
Ford NAA 3 pt. good tires, $2,000; Winchester 223 W33m Model 70, NIB,
$480. Wanted: lard cans, any cond. Berks Co. 610-916-1791.
Ford 850 tractor, gas, 5-speed, 3-pth, PTO, runs good, $2,500; needs
work - Ford 960 tricycle, gas, 5-speed, $2,500; Northampton Co.,
Farmall Cub with 4 Belly Brush hog 12 volt battery and alt. Dearborn
sickle bar for Ford 8N. Berks Co., 610-582-3108.
Farmall Cub, red, new rings, bearings, wires, clutch, belts, hoses,
paint, batt., disc, plow, cult., like new, $3,500, Atlantic Co., NJ,
Farmall Cult Cub for sale with lift arm, very good cond., $450 OBO Cash,
Lancaster Co., 717-872-5520.
Farmall Super A, hydraulic, very clean, front rear cultivators, $2,500
OBO. Atlantic, NJ 609-927-6500 after 3 p.m.
For Int. Super C tractor, complete set of cultivator front and rear,
$850; Free chore time feeders, 300. Union Co. 570-524-0942.
For sale 350 John Deere bulldozer, six way blade, gas, excellent
condition. Tioga Co. 570-549-5023.
F20 rear and final drive with foot brakes, $100; JD 420C parts, carb for
4010 JD, $100; Warren Co., NJ, 6 PM - 908-362-7478.
Farmall C tobacco sprayer, Hi clearance, hy press pump drop nozzles, BO.
Harbester round bale shredder; 960 Gehl wagon. Lancaster Co. 717-626-0034.
Farmall Cub snow plow Woods belly mower wheel weights, great cond.
$3,000. OBO. Chester County (610) 384-0262.
Farmall Cub snowplow, $275; 1 point hitch assy., $500; Farmall H M
fenders, original, $350 set; Orange Co., NY, 845-778-7160.
Cub Loboy 154, new radiator, hoses, belts with 60 mower deck, many new
parts, $2750. Montgomery Co. 267-784-0210.
David Bradley garden tractors; #6 New Holland feed grinder; Model T
grass mower. Lebanon Co. 717-865-6997 or 610-562-2439.
Cub Cadet 149 tractor with 40 rear tiller, ag tires, front weight, works
great, $950. Lebanon Co. 717-866-5199.
Cub Cadet and Bolens garden tractors collectors. I have beautiful
restored Cubs, Bolens, etc., ready to show, nice. Chester Co., 610-662-9127.
Crawler Crane IH UD, 9 power, link belt, LS-50 + attachments, $2,250
OBO; 2,724 tires & rims, shadowall $100 pr.; W-14 wheel loader, $8,500.
Monroe Co. 570-856-0324.
Case VAI wide front, has original stake, highway mower, runs, works
great, a collectors dream piece, $3,500; Canton, Ohio, 333-866-9227.
Case 830 Comfort King wide front, new rear tires, $4,000 obo; Chevy P/U
1966, $500; HOnda CB 550 $500. York Co. 717-487-0879.
Allis Chalmers Model C tractor with 2 row cultivators, rear belt pulley,
show ready; 22 x 44 front pusher for AC WD-45 tractors. Bucks Co.
Allis Chalmers WD-45 tractor, power steering, fair condition, asking
$1,300, leave message, Carroll Co.,Md., 410-848-2318.
A-C D15 II with live hyd loader, like new rubber, $4,200 obo. Lanc. Co.
8N Ford tractor, runs, new hitch, $1750. Leader 2 1/2 hp hit & miss
engine, runs on cart, nice, $1500. Lanc. Co. 717-445-4464.
1961 Farmall Cub with 60 belly mower and 4-5 snow plow. Runs great,
original parts, great shape, $2,500. Lanc. Co. 717-681-2366.
1947 John Deere B, recent paint, $1,500; 6 Woods RM finishing mower, 3
ph, $450; Bucks Co., 215-343-0156.
1949 Ford 8N restored, $4,000; Farmall Super C, $3,700; Restored John
Deere Mt. fender brackets, set $60, nice. Mont. Co. 610-970-2590.
1946 John Deere, a puller wheelie bars, wt. brackets, very competitive,
AC HD3 crawler, loader, backhoe, needs engine. Talbot, Md. 410-822-1378.
1939 Ford 9N overhauled, needs paint, $2,100 obo. Cumberland Co.
1945 International cab - chassis, $600; I.H.C. 350 tractor, new tires,
$1,700; Eager Beaver 10 ton trailer, $1,500. Cecil Co. 410-398-2348.
1937 unstyled A rear spoke, new tires, 2 hood, needs just paint, $5,600.
1938 A unstyled, needs work, $2,600. Rockola jack box cabinet style.
$400. York Co. 717-308-2428.
1936 JD A runs good, good flat spoke rears, 36 tires, not too good,
$3,800; nice 45 loader, 4350. York Co. 717-432-3991.
1929 model A Ford Hukster wagon, very good condition, drive home,
$8,500. Bucks Co. Call Tom 215-752-2121.
Tug airport utility truck, forward cab, Perkins diesel, diamond plate
body, hinged sides, heavy duty farm use, $2,000 obo. Hunterdon Co.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods
or no God. -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and
author (1743-1826)
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods
or no God. -Thomas Jefferson, third US president, architect and
author (1743-1826)
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