[Farmall] Some ads from the 7/6 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Jul 8 15:39:34 PDT 2006
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 7/8/2006. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Two point sickle bar mower for Farmall C or 200 Series, field ready,
$250. York Co. Call after 9 pm 717-225-4187.
Three JD H parts tractor, $1,500; Farmall W-4 $1,500; 1998 Reidnow 45x96
flatbed with sidekit, $15,000. York Co. 717-424-8148.
Tow motor forklift, 6,000 lb. capacity, 12 foot reach, propane gas, 20
inch solid front tires, runs good, $1,500. Carbon Co. 610-377-0372.
Spelt for horses, $7 @ 100 lbs, $140 a ton, dry sudan grass for bedding,
$2 a bale. Lanc. Co. 717-445-7422. [I had to look that one up - spelt: A
hardy wheat grown mostly in Europe. Middle English, from Old English,
from Late Latin spelta, probably of Germanic origin; akin to Middle
Dutch spelte, wheat. I learned something new that most of you probably
already knew.]
Power King 1618 18HP with 48 side mount sicklebar mower 3PT hitch &
hydraulic lift $2,400. Cumberland Co. (717) 423-6300.
Oliver 550 with bush hog, in good condition, also have rear scraper
blade and New Idea, PTO spreader. Lebanon Co. 717-838-7888.
Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.
MF 65 Massey tractor, power steering, diesel engine, runs good, $3,000
OBO. Lancaster Co. 717-733-5361.
Massey Furgeson 65, Industrial Loader, gas motor, new altornator, tie
rods, great metal, 2 speed trans, $4,800. Montgomery Co., 215-896-2872.
Massey Harris #33 3 pt., new paint, good rubber, runs good, $2500.
Danuser 3 pt post hole digger, fits JDB, $650. Schuylkill Co. 570-943-2510.
M.F.50 Diesel, Loader, P.S., Good Rubber, Used Daily, 5,000 Hrs.,
$4,500. 1970 Chev. P.U., CST10, 4WD, a Title, Restorable, $1,500. Perry
Co., 717-589-7253.
John Deere book, operation, care and repair of farm machinery. 27th
edition, very good cond., $35 plus shipping. Warren Co. 518-696-9978.
John Deere model 40, motor seized, $700. 1970 Camaro in barn 7 years,
need restoration, $3200 cash. Hunterdon Co. 908-735-7694.
John Deere 430 crawler with blade; John Deere 3800 harvester with direct
cut head. Fulton Co. 717-573-2351.
John Deere 440 Loader, $1,800. Ford N.H. 1715 Tractor, 4WD, Power
Steering, 3 Pt. Hi Low. Lancaster Co., 717-354-7046.
John Deere 60 for parts or repair, JD side mount sickle bar mower, JD MC
crawler dozer. Lycoming Co. 570-482-2070.
John Deere A tractor, two grain driers, two Reo grain trucks, F7 Ford
grain truck. Bucks Co. 215-297-5531.
JD 70 gas with loader tire chains, good straight sheet metal, runs good
$6,000. (717) 229-9409. York Co.
JD 40-T 60846 low hours, tach, tight steering, new overhaul, sheet metal
fair-good, tires, very good, exc. collator, $1,750 firm. Frederick, VA
Intl 340 live PTO fast hitch with three point arms, torque amplifier,
power steering, $2,650. Bucks Co. 267-471-2672. [My 340 has turned out
to be my favorite tractors, and if that one is any good, that is a good
Hit & Miss engines (14), 1-1/2 to 4HP, Associated, Fairbanks, Fuller &
Johnson, Hercules, Leader, Economy, Witte, $650. to $950. Berks County
Gravely Super Convertible, Elec. Start., Union Made. ERA. Trencher,
Right Angle Wood Saw Attachments, 3 Section Spring Tooth Hare. Cecil
Co., 410-398-7680.
G JD tractor, 1947, good condition; Farmall M, setup for pulling,
excellent condition, single wheel, Joe Looney, Va. Craig Co. 540-864-6285.
Front end pusher for Farmall H and Tuff tool box for pickup truck. Bucks
Co. 215-766-0141. [Front end pusher? That must be something local.]
Ford 8N (52-53) nice cond., $2,000. Firm; Russo wood stove, glass door,
nice $100. Perfection kero heater $100. Lehigh Co. (610) 966-4657.
Ford 8-N, nice, $3,000; 721 Grasshopper with grass catcher & seag walk
behind, both 52 cut, $5,000 pr. York Co. 717-432-0498.
Ferguson TO-30 tractor overhauled engine, rebuilt steering, new 12 volt
system, good rubber, brakes, spare parts and implements. Carbon Co.,
Farmall H original paint, nice, $ 1,500; Cub Loboy w/mower deck, $1,650;
EZ go golf cart, needs piston, roof & box, $500. Lancaster Co. 717-475-3107.
Farmall Cultivator Cub 144 post type with mannual, $300 OBO. Lancaster
Co. 717-684-8540.
Farmall Cub snow plow, Woods belly mower, wheel weights, great cond.,
$3,000 obo. Chester Co. 610-384-0262.
Farmall Cub attachments, Woods belly mower, $800; Front blade, chains
and spreader, $650; 2 turn tires, $100. Bradford Co. 570-924-4029.
Farmall 706 gas wide front fast hitch, $4,200. AC-G, nice, $4,800. Land
Pride finishing mower CFT, $1,400. Cumb. Co. 717-776-7788.
Farmall 450 TA power steering, live PTO, 3 pt hitch, stratometer, good
paint, all around good tractor, must see, $3,500 obo. Monmouth Co.
Farmall 230 restored $2,500. John Deere 50 3pth $2,500. International
w560 John Deere G $2,600. Farmall Super M. Butler Co. 724-353-1392.
Farmall 200 with fast hitch, wheel weights front rear, fenders, nice
rubber, perfect metal, runs exc., $2,500. Lycoming Co. 570-435-2271.
F-Cub original equip., spring tooth, one piece field cultivator. 8 teeth
adjustable w/depth control wheels, good cond., $275. Warren Co.
Case 730 tractor, clean, $1,800; Cub 154 Low Boy with 6 mower, $1,600;
VG IH 2 BT rollover plow, $375. Montgomery Co. 215-939-2265.
Case 580C diesel, 1850 hours, cab, rops, new tires, chains, no leaks,
serviced, no backhoe attachment, EC, $8,500. Berkeley Co. 304-263-1338.
Case 500 farm tractor w/loader, $4500. Case 3X plow F/Eagle hitch, 42x42
pallet boxes. Sch. Co. 570-345-4882.
B Allis Chalmers w/sicklbar mower, $1200. B Allis Chalmers restored
w/new tires, $2,400. WD Allis Chalmers, restored, excellent condition,
$2,475. Lanc. Co. 717-336-1282.
A-C B1 W42 deck, all orig., looks & runs great. Collectors dream. Must
see, $925. Lanc. Co. 717-367-2664.
2N Ford tractor, new rubber good paint, 3 pt., building kept, runs good.
Montg. Co. 610-489-7997.
1939 John Deere B older restoration and two bottom John Deere plow on
steel, looks, runs exc. $1,900. Northampton Co. 484-239-7732.
1941 John Deere B, new paint, rebuilt trans; 1947 Case vac John Deere,
quick mount, 2 row cultivator, Union Co. 570-966-1991.
1943 AC C new brakes, new front tires, good back tires, motor gone over,
new paint, show ready. Carroll Co. Md. 775-410-2310.
1943 Farmall H, runs good, metal tires good, $1,800. Blair Co. 814-944-2766.
1945 Farmall A, good running, good tin, needs paint and wiring, $1,100.
Northampton Co. 610-759-4514.
1946 Farmall H, runs good, metal tires good, $1,600. Blair Co. 814-944-2766.
1946 Ford V-8 Super Deluxe Convertible, New Hartz Top and Interior.
W/W/W Dual Spotlights. Fender Skirts $35,900. Mont. Co. 610-933-2469.
1950 Farmall Super A, very good tin & paint, strong running single
bottom plow, teardrop backup lite, $3100. Northampton Co. 610-759-4514.
1968 Red Farmall Cub Tractor with Snowplow, Weights, Nice Cond., $2,950.
Fast Hitch Assembly and Attachments for Cub. CT. 203-265-6012.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
Religion--freedom--vengeance--what you will, A word's enough
to raise mankind to kill. -Lord Byron, poet (1788-1824)
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