[AJD] paint chart

Gordon Halley ghalley at wowway.com
Fri Jan 13 03:56:35 PST 2006

Hey, Greg; I haven't receive mine yet -- looking forward to it.



At 11:20 PM 1/12/2006 -0600, you wrote:
>Hey great, you got it!
>I also think it's a great chart, Deere outdid themselves on it. So 
>of course that me
>immediately nervous they will discontinue it!!! Now at least there 
>are more copies in
>circulation  in case the supply dries up.
>Let's give it a few days and see who I've missed paint chart wise, 
>let me know.

Gordon Halley
1945 JD "A"
Columbus OH 43230
ghalley at wowway.com  

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