[AT] Beilers Auction?sorry spencer

Danny Tabor dannytabor2000 at yahoo.com
Fri Feb 17 10:20:42 PST 2006

 Enough politics - What about the auction? 

    Good idea, back to the auction. There was a MH 33
somebody had put a slant six into. Also a couple
fairly nice Cases, an SC & DC??maybe. Thats what
caught my eye. The rest was the usual fascinating junk
that shows. Like I say, I'm certain more is on the
     HOWEVER!! should anybody not see anything they
need to buy Thursday at Beilers there will be another
auction to attend not far from.

  FEB.23, 2006
@9:30 AM farm equipment
@11:00 cows&heifers

***location: from Quarryville take 222S. Turn left
onto Little Britian Rd. Proceed about 4 mi. to sale on
right. From Maryland take 272N turn right at Fair Way.
Stop onto Little Britain rd.

   >>>>I am familiar with most of these tractors and
the family holding the sale<<< 

 White 2-135 cab,air,oppr.3300hrs: Oliver 1850 D
w.f.e.(I know has had work done to it, all it needs
now is paint); Oliver 880gas, power steering Power
booster w.f.e.(this IS a NICE one, trust me); 1965
Oliver 770gas Power steering, Power booster(again VERY
NICE); Oliver 440 (very nice and as most Ollie buffs
know very rare)

/////There is other equipment listed along with parts
and weights for Oliver. Dairy equipment, along with
120 cows and feed(silage, baled hay, fodder). I plan
on attending this sale in the morning and from there
going to Beilers. Good Lord willing

Danny Tabor

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