[AT] Help with a Drag Harrow

D. Day ddss at telebeep.com
Wed Feb 15 13:35:36 PST 2006

    I am the ultimate city-slicker, so please bear with me.
    This spring, we will be seeding about an eighth of a mile of a wide 
ditch.  I've been told that after seeding that I should run a drag harrow 
over the seed bed to help cover the seed.  Unless I can find another use for 
this harrow, I'll probably never use it again.
    The prices range anywhere from nearly $200 to $500 for a 4-foot drag 
harrow.  I've never seen one before but looking at the pictures, it's hard 
for me to imagine that  there is enough material there to justify that kind 
of cost.  It looks like a section of chain link fence.
    Has anyone ever made one? Can it be made for less than the price of a 
manufactured one?


Dick Day 

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