[Farmall] That Farmall Sound

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Sat Dec 30 12:57:29 PST 2006

 By two-bangers are you referring to Johnny Poppers or something  else?  I don't have a (running) M, but the (as you term it) "purr"  from the little LoBoy is enticing.

Dean Vinson <dean at vinsonfarm.net> wrote:  Nothing against the two-cylinder guys, since that's a heck of a nice sound
also, but the smooth Farmall purr just warms my heart.  

I noticed the other day that the front tires on my M looked a little flat.
They're pretty well shot but hold air, more or less, but had gone down
somewhat over the last three or four months of mostly sitting in the garage.
So this afternoon I decided to drive the tractor over to the gas station and
put air in the tires, partly for the air and partly for the fun of driving
the old girl around.  It's been about six weeks since I'd started it up, but
it took off on the first touch of the starter pedal and ran like a top.  One
of these years I'll get some land and put her back to work, but for now that
sound is enough to keep me smiling.

Dean Vinson
Dayton, Ohio

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