[Farmall] Some ads from the 12/10 Lancaster Farming

E. John Puckett ejpuckett at centurytel.net
Sun Dec 10 21:07:12 PST 2006

Mike Sloane wrote:
> Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
> subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA) 
> Farming newspaper for 12/10/2006. For the full listing, go to 
> <www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
> For Sale:
> Two Farmall Hs, complete, 1 has the M&W hand clutch, needs restored, 
> $750 ea., both for $1,400; International TD-9, with loader, $1,800. 
> Chester Co. 610-593-5346.
/I  would love to have that hand clutch, if it is what I think it is  
(live pto/hydraulic setup)/

> Old Tulsa winch off of Lowboy trailer, good cond., needs bearing on 
> input driveshaft, $50 obo. Northumberland Co. 570-672-2195. [a bad 
> input bearing and he says it is in "good condition", I wonder what he 
> thinks "fair condition" means]
for $50 I would be willing to take a chance.

> IH Cub chains, $125. Weights Bush Hog, $575. Kill Bros gravity bin, 6 
> ton gear, $795. Centre Co. 814-364-9926 evenings.
That is price of new ones at www.tirechains.com

> Farmall H, 1992, J10 w/plow; Western plow for 1996 F250. Q42 snow 
> blower for cub cadet. Adams Co., 717-359-7534.
1992 H.  Must be rare.  or is that a 1992  J10, whatever that is?

another one of them
*.?-!.* cub owners

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