[AT] OT: Barbershop ads
Mattias Kessén
davidbrown950 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 9 01:46:32 PST 2006
If you think Hadacal is strange. We were doing some work at the old hospital
in Oskarshamn this fall (yes I'm adapting to american english). At the
sighting after all the work was done we ended up in the heating central
looking at the window painting, which I wasn't that interested in since
wehad done only outdoors work. So anyway I looked at the old, no longer in
use, heating system that had an oilburner with the success selling brandname
Looser. :-)
2006/12/9, Lew Best <bee_keeper at earthlink.net>:
> I remember the product & the joke; getting old I guess! :) I believe
> it was spelled Hadacol tho; don't recall if it was a cold remedy or
> what.
> Lew Best near Waco, TX
> -----Original Message-----
> Dudley:
> I just have had a flash back of that era. Wasn't there some kind of joke
> about the company that went something like this?
> Question:
> How in the world did a company get a name like Hadacal?
> Answer:
> Well, they hada call it something.
> Dean A. Van Peursem
> Snohomish, WA 98290
> "He who makes decisions in haste repents at his leisure."
> www.deerelegacy.com
> http://members.cox.net/classicweb/email.htm
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com] On Behalf Of Dudley Rupert
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 8:02 PM
> To: Antique tractor email discussion group
> Subject: RE: [AT] OT: Barbershop ads
> Robert,
> This is not the specific ad your' asking about but the one that pops
> into my
> mind is the one for "Hadacal" - it was touted to "cure all that ails
> you."
> I remember this ad, if not from the late 40's then from the early 50's.
> I
> remember my dad scoffing at it saying it was just another name for
> alcohol
> (not the rubbing kind) ...I don't know if there was any truth to that or
> not
> but it's what I remember.
> Dudley
> -----Original Message-----
> From: at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com
> [mailto:at-bounces at lists.antique-tractor.com]On Behalf Of
> Mullrbob at wmconnect.com
> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2006 5:44 PM
> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
> Subject: [AT] OT: Barbershop ads
> Anyone remember the ads in Barbershops in the 50's advertising hair
> tonic.
> What was the ones called that had dogs (cartoon) sitting around a pool
> hall
> playing cards and smoking cigars, etc.? I want to find some of those old
> ads, but
> can't remember the titles.
> Thanks,
> Robert Mull
> Woodstock, Georgia
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