[Farmall] That Farmall Sound

James Moran jrmoraninc at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 31 10:21:57 PST 2006

Ferg8n9n at aol.com wrote:  if you farmed during the 30s and 40s, you had to feel great respect for the  
Farmall, what it did for your country and your family.
  **  When we cleaned out the Golden Road farmhouse, we found myriad  of tractor related materials (e.g., catalogs, manuals, etc.).  In  almost all cases, this "theme" you mentioned ("Independent  farmer...mind of his own...spirit of American-ness) pervaded the  illustrations and the "tone" of the writing.
You wife could hear you in the field and she knew if you were in trouble or  
coming home.
  **  Well, time has marched on and, now, my wife can hear the  "tractor racket" and be comfortable that I will be out of her hair for  at least a little while longer. ;-)
Tractors were asked to do things you may not imagine, Using the manifold to  
milk cows, the tractor may get a dose of unwanted milk. The farmall had a 
great  ability to absorb abuse.
  **  I suspect that (again on Golden Road), the PTO's were used to  do those many things more that was any hit-n-miss.  I sense this  because I  found many of belts used for various applications  (e.g., that corn shredder about which I wrote).  Of course, the  M/D 10-20's PTO was used to poser the Blackwell pump for transfer of  petroleum products.
The purr of a good tractor meant security for your  family.
  **  Since the "sound" thread was introduced, I thought back to  when I was a kid mowing the suburban lawn.  We had a two-cycle  rotary (maybe a 19-20 inch swath) and I can still remember in my  "mind's ear" THAT particular noise.  No comparison to the  comfortable rumblings of a big machine, but the memory is there, for  some reason.

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