[AT] Email problem, was Re: [Ford-ferguson] NAA tire
Dave Merchant
nesys_com at ameritech.net
Wed Dec 20 10:36:33 PST 2006
Once in a while I get a message like this, where it looks like the sender
tried to reply,
but all I get is the echo of my original message, no response.
I suspect it's a conflict between email programs, I'm running a slightly
old Eudora.
Anybody else have this problem?
BTW, calling around, turns out the 600-16 is harder to find than I expected.
Orwell Tire, the big tractor tire dealer around here, sells a lot, but is
out of stock,
local tire dealers have only a vague idea what it is.
Local TSC has the tire, funny off brand name, but no tubes!
Ashtabula TSC has qty 1, may drive out there...
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>From: Buckies at aol.com
>Message-ID: <3bd.15831dbf.32baa90c at aol.com>
>Date: Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:56:12 EST
>Subject: Re: [Ford-ferguson] NAA tire
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>In a message dated 12/20/2006 5:13:33 A.M. Central Standard Time,
>nesys_com at ameritech.net writes:
>Couple questions / confirmations:
>The good new one is 6.00 16, the bad one is 5.00 16.
>Both have the same (small) amount of clearance from the steering post.
>Is it correct that those are old + new designations for the same size?
>600 16
>Does this sound like the right size for an NAA front? as i recall the
>naa had originally a 2 rib tire
>TSC has them at a moderate price.
>How hard is it to mount front tires w/o a tire machine?,,,,,, no, run over
>the tire with your truck, be extremely careful with the tube
>Just a couple pry bars, or go get a tire shop to do it?
>Ford-ferguson mailing list
Dave Merchant
kosh at nesys.com
nesys_com at ameritech.net
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