[AT] M flywheel

Kevin ironman1962 at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 5 18:54:44 PST 2006

Just got the flywheels back home a bit ago. The machinst assumed that the boltholes were the same distance apart the first time. Or so he claimed, but in reality they appear to be the same. (I was told by the telephone repairman after drilling into their line with post drill.
Never assume anything, it makes an ass of me and him)
And reality none are the same distance from the next one. Like a mopar flex plate bolts to the torque converter. I always spray a little paint on the flexplate and torque converter, at one bolt so reassembly is easy as line up the paint mark and bolt it on. OK back to flywheel,
That is where the pin comes comes in on this application. Put wheel on pin and bolts have to line up> I will say should:-)
I have not tried bolting it on yet, as another hand would be great on my back. Still aint got over the last attempt yet. Machine shop made another neck
drilled true (so they say) after we get some calves up in the morning I will know for sure, going to be 50f and sun all day. I will let yall know how it goes tomarrow evening.
Thanks everyone for the comments,ideas ect.
Kevin Mosier

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