[AT] Some ads from the 12/2 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Dec 2 15:56:07 PST 2006
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 12/2/2006. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
Parting Out Case 300. Call for parts available. Franklin Co. 717-262-3528.
Parting out Oliver 77 with stamped out wheels 12.4x38 rubber. Was
diesel, no motor, radiator bell housing. Lanc. Co. 717-575-1933.
Massey Ferguson 35 tractor, 3 point hydraulic hookup, hours 2592, two
bottom plow, cultivators, harrow, straight blade, push plow, $4,000.
Schuylkill Co. 570-386-5064.
Massey Harris #30 with cultivators, can be restored or for parts, best
offer. Schuylkill Co. 570-739-2724.
Massey-Harris 44, diesel, NF, good cond, $2,800. Also two other 44
diesels, parts or restore, $700. York Co. 717-432-8385.
MF175 diesel, runs good $2,400. IH transport disc 10 $475. JD 660
Hayrake $700. Ford 3 pt, 2 pt, corn planter $$75. Lancaster Co.,
Oliver H-G 68, $2,500; Farmall Cub w/Woods belly mower, nice, $1,950;
snowplow for John Deere B, $150; Northampton Co., 610-704-2249.
Toro Ground Master 72 diesel mower, 4 wd, rops, $4,200; Toro w/heated
cab, lights, 5 ft. snow plow, $2,800; 72 deck, $500. Mullica Hill, NJ
Tractor Case DC, runs good, no smoke, has cultivators, used this year
for corn $2,500. OBO. Mont. Co. 215-679-7347.
Tractor chains, 128x24, fits 14.9x28, zero wear, $100. Also 20 gal. 1/2
hp air compressor, belt driven, G.C. $65. Balt. Co. 410-374-2894.
Tractor tire chains, 11.2x28, heavy duty, very good condition, fits Ford
8N and others. $100 takes them. Chester Co. 610-960-0892.
Tractors, Oliver RC 770 W/F, GC, $2,500. Also Oliver clete tract
w/factory blade, HG42, $2,500. Loader & snowblade for 770. Cambria Co.
814-674-2456 eve.
Two Farmall H tractors, need restored, 1 has the M&W gear live PTO
clutch, $750 each. International TD-9 crawler with hough loaders,
$1,850. Chester Co. 610-593-5346.
WC AC Gas Boy hand pump AC lights WC WD Model A engine 17 spoke wheels,
1985 Dodge tailgate. Sch. Co. 570-366-2729.
Snowplow for Farmall Cub, and Cub Lo-Boys, $425 each and snow chains,
$100 pair. Dau. Co. 717-533-7345.
Souders front snow blade for 600, 700, 800 Ford tractor. Cumberland Co.
(717) 697-1144.
L59 Woods belly mower off Farmall A. Will fit others, good condition.
$700. Wash. Co. 301-824-2159.
John Deere 1050 4WD, 3600 hours, good rubber, good runner, dont need
anymore, got bigger tractor, 7-9PM ONLY, Lycoming Co., 570-584-4234.
John Deere 2010 gas, single front wheel, JD 1010 utility tractor gas,
two John Deere Gs, one wide front, Komatsu dozer. Lycoming Co. 570-482-2070.
John Deere 40 dozer, good tin work and fenders, $4,800; Ford 9N, runs
good, $2,100. Lycoming Co. 570-435-5809.
John Deere unstyled G, restored, 4 new Firestones with shutters, new
steering wheel, nice condition. Chester Co. 610-593-5601.
JD 2030 with 48 loader, uses almost no oil, 38 tires, has excellent
traction, 6 rubber scraper tire. Rockingham Co. 540-879-2349.
JD 2010 diesel w/loader, M54 mower, IH 990, haybine, Framall 200,
13.6x38 chains, hyd. bumper jack, Topedo heater, 3/4 socket set. Chester
Co. 610-932-8943.
J.D. 3020 gas NF 3 pt., new paint, trans. rebuilt by JD Dion, forage
wagon parts. Butler Co. 724-283-0196.
International 484 loader tractor, 2250 mount-o-matic, 84 bucket,
excellent condition. Wanted: 13-6x38 tire. Schuylkill Co. 570-943-7763.
IH 150 track loader, Drott 4-in-1 bucket, power shift trans. 282ci
diesel, engine not running $1,800. Hunt. Co., 814-448-3318.
IH 574 diesel, 52hp, good motor, good tires, needs minor repairs, winter
project, $2,950. Cumb. Co. 717-532-7030.
IH power unit, P-200 with belt pulley and clutch assy. Same as 10-20
tractor engine, complete, not stuck. $500. Blair Co. 814-696-3377.
Intl 760 offset disk, nice Intl 656D, one owner tractor; Intl cab, off
1066 or trade flat fenders. Dauphin Co. 717-919-7349.
Get her what she really wants for Christmas! Soft, sweet llamas! Males
start at $500 and up. Females, $1,250. Hunterdon Co. 609-397-2212.
[Somehow I don't think that is what my wife had in mind when she asked
for "a fur coat"]
Generator Tiger-20-200A power take-off, never used, moving ret, $3,000,
sell $2,000. Northampton Co. 610-767-8894.
General Electric elec-trak E15 electric tractor with mower deck. Good
condition. Good batteries. $800. Lanc. Co. 717-859-4234.
Ford Golden Jubilee, runs good, Farmall M, 1944, straight tin, runs
good, $2,600 each or $5,000 for pair, firm. Perry Co. 717-503-7090.
Ford LGT 125 runs, works, use, or parts, also Ford 42 in. snow blade for
same, mint cond. Strasburg, 717-840-9075.
Ford 641 Powermaster, 4 new tires, loader, 3 pth, $3,200; Ferguson 20
with or without loader, ex. cond.; Northampton Co., 610-588-7545.
Ford 2N, JD 24A diesel skid loader, Int 184 with mower, grain wagon with
running gear. Harford Co. 410-939-6321.
Farmall 350 diesel, Farmall 450 diesel. Cumberland Co. 717-776-7391.
Farmall Cub A, B parts cultivator plow, gang reel mower, hood, rear
weights, fenders, manifold. Montgom Co. 215-855-3191.
Farmall Cub w/cult; garden and snow plow, wheel weights, tire chains,
exc. orig. cond., $2,500, will separate. Lancaster Co. 717-629-1667 or
Ferguson 30 overhauled engine, rebuilt steering, new battery, 12 volt
system, good rubber, tin, brakes, good working unit. Carbon Co.
Farmall F-12 - F-14 parts, 0-12 I-14 - W-14 Fairway parts. Blair Co.
Farmall H with loader, nice, $2,300; Simplicity 5116 mower/blower and
blade, $500; F-250 A/T lifted, $4,000 obo. Northampton Co. 484-357-9405.
Farmall M, runs good, like new tires, $2,000 obo. JD 3pt 2 bottom plow,
$200. Disc JD, $150. Cultivators, H, M, $150. York Co. 717-577-9036.
David Bradley with accs. wanted J.D. disc AW with 28 blades also need
single seated carriage. Lanc. Co., 717-445-7101.
Cub A-V cultivators, pulleys, parts, drawbars, M G-tank, S-dresser
brackets, hoppers, seed brackets, 46 blade, hillers, farm collectibles,
sleds, carvings, prints. Salem Co. 856-358-8625.
Complete engine and clutch for Oliver H.G. or OC-3; also misc. parts,
make offer; Northampton Co., 610-588-7545.
CAT D4D engine w/clutch, make offer. Wanted: Blade to fit D4. Lancaster
Co. 717-445-4726.
Case S/C $400; Moline R $500; O/C 3, $750; JD $20 $1,800. Harford Co.
410-836-3599 7 am to 5 pm.
8N Ford tractor, good orig. cond., tires and paint good, runs good, no
work for it. $2,500. Lehigh County 610-285-4122.
Allis Chalmers Model C tractor, running cond. Lanc. Co. 717-687-6581.
Allis Chalmers C, older restoration, runs and looks great, good parade
tractor, $1,200; 6 ft. Woods finish mower, $600; Bucks Co., 215-396-1863.
9N Ford tractor; 2 horse, alum. trailer, bumper, pull 7 tall, ramp, both
good shape. Berks Co. 484-794-7619.
8 V snow blade horse hitch or 3 pt. A-C 1953 6 bottom plow, 38 snap on
dual wheels. AC WD tractor. 43 KW generator. Lanc. Co. 717-733-8708.
48 Farmall Cub, many new parts, $2,000 obo. Millersville, MD 240-674-7408.
3000 Ford PS hi-low range, diff lock, aux hydraulics, 3 pth, good tires
& weights, $4,200. Queen Annes Co. 410-438-3420.
37 B Allis Chalmer perfect for restoration, $1,500; Massey Harris 50,
very nice cond., runs great, $3,000. Harford Co. 410-335-5037.
1961 JD 1010-RS, $2,000; 1963 JD 1010-R5, $3,500; 2001 Honda 300 EX ATV,
good cond., $2,000. York Co. 717-578-1257.
1964 International 240 front end loader. Always starts, runs great, must
sell. Relocating $2,250. Chester Co. 484-228-8162.
1948 Allis Chalmers C N.F.E. very good cond., new rear tires and rims,
new radiator, $1,700. Montour Co. 570-437-2641.
1948 Ford 8N tractor, motor overhauled 1990, mechanically sound, extra
front rims, rear chains, slip clutch $1,850/obo. Dauphin Co., 717-944-4027.
1951 Cub, Woods belly mower, turf tires, straight tin, runs good, no
smoke, new carb, could use paint, $2,200 firm. Berks Co. 610-944-9162.
1945 Farmall A, new paint, runs good, $2,250. Yamaha gas-powered golf
cart, rebuilt engine, $850. Union Co. 570-713-7355.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
At times it may be necessary to temporarily accept a lesser evil,
but one must never label a necessary evil as good.
-Margaret Mead, anthropologist (1901-1978)
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