[AT] Upcoming Show Sept. 9, Richlands NC

Al Jones aljones at ncfreedom.net
Sun Aug 20 20:28:01 PDT 2006

Guys, I wanted to make sure everyone knew about this, especially the NC
folks.  Bring your tractors in their work clothes, your trailer queens,
your rare models, your not-so-rare models, just bring them for everyone
to enjoy!Richlands is probably a 45 min. drive from the coast, so this
would be an excellent weekend trip--take in the show, go on down to the
beach AFTER all the Labor Day crowds have left!  :)  

Farmers Day in Richlands, NC will be held on Sept 9, 2006. There will be
an all-makes antique tractor show and parade beginning with lineup at
8AM. There will be awards given for "best restored" and "best original
condition" for each make. 
All proceeds from Farmers Day go to fund scholarships for area high
school students planning to attend college and major in agriculture. 

For more info, contact friendsoffarmers at earthlink.net or email me


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