Richard Strobel Richard_Strobel7 at msn.com
Sun Aug 20 19:43:40 PDT 2006

G'day all;
  Usually a lurker but today I found a GP A, single front wheel, electric 
start, skin in not too bad a shape.  Needs rear rims and tires...not stuck, 
but not shedded either...flywheel not cracked, to my knowledge.
  He wants 500 rockets and will probably deal.

  So I guess the question is...whatcha all think...desirable?..availability 
of rims...probably won't work it...just enjoy the stack music?

  As always the best advise given to me was by Dean:  "Even the free ones 
can get damn expensive."...which I'll never forget.

  Don't want'em all...just one.

  Best regards,

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