[AT] Some ads from the 8/5 Lancaster Farming
Mike Sloane
mikesloane at verizon.net
Sat Aug 5 15:38:30 PDT 2006
Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly Lancaster (PA)
Farming newspaper for 8/5/2006. For the full listing, go to
<www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my comments, if any, are in brackets]
For Sale:
WDR McCormick Diesel on Steel with Pulley, Good Shape. Jonathan
Stoltzfus, 3206 West Newport Rd., Ronks PA 71572, Lanc. Co.,
717-768-3127. [I don't know what this is, unless it is one of the new
McCormick's being sold by Case IH]
Super (C) Tractor has 3 pt. new tires $1,475; Case 1835 C Skid loader,
new tires $7,900; Owatonna small skid loader 32 in. wide, $5,000, Berks
Co., 717-354-0266.
Rare Cub Cadet 124, Rear PTO, Creeper, Sleeve Hitch #248920 VG cond.
$2,400. Also JD 110 1971 $550. Frederick Co., MD 301-371-0152.
Oliver 88 tractor; Oliver 77 little used, not running $1,200 each; ACWC
tractor, also parts tractor $600. both. Huntingdon Co. 814-627-4251.
Oliver Crawler HG 68, good running condition, must see, $3,500 or best
offer, ask for Dick, Lehigh Co., 610-767-1943.
Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized 77 motor needs
rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co. 215-257-5887.
MF 50 Perkins diesel, PS, loader, 14.9x28 tires, filled, 2 stage clutch,
good rubber, mid 60s, wide front end, $4,100. Perry Co. 717-589-7253.
Massey Harris 101 Jr. has front end loader, needs work, I have all parts
$1,200; WD45AC $900. Huntingdon Co. 814-627-4251.
Mc #9 Intl. tractor w/Detroit diesel, engine needs work $1,000. Samuel
Stoltzfus, 302 Hilltop Rd., Strasburg, PA 17579. Lanc. Co.
John Deere G #44203, $2,700; John Deere 5010, $6,900; John Deere 5020,
$8,500, Farmall SMTA, $4,200. Butler Co. 724-353-1392.
John Deere 1010 track loader with ripper diesel, $5,000. Luzurne Co.
John Deere 720 diesel pong start WFE original front weights, 3 point
hitch, $8,500 obo. Northumberland Co. 570-275-8852.
John Deere B 1950, ready to farm or restore, good tires & good tractor.
Lebanon Co. 717-949-3758.
JD Pulley 420-430 H tractor, 1933 D-T 1-Ton stake nice, JD WF round
axle, 1925 white Truck, C-Cab. Montgomery Co. 215-679-5788.
JD M-40 head, completely reconditioned with valves, new seats, $250; New
original 4020 flat top fenders, $500. Dauphin Co. 717-692-3827.
JD 620 tractor runs well in original condition $4,100 negotiable Treated
wooden poles various sizes $2.50/ft. Harford Co., Md. 410-459-3717.
JD 2010 Gas N.F., Good Cond., $2,500. White 2-105 Dual Remotes Dual PTO,
Fender Tractor, Good Cond. $6,500. Lebanon Co. 717-469-0356.
IH TD9B crawler, excellent, $8,900; 10 hearth log and mantle, excellent
cond.; cob & shelled corn at farm; Berks Co., 610-683-5970.
IHC 125C Crawler Loader, 1 1/2 yard 4 in 1 bucket, good operating
condition, but some oil leaks around rear. $6,500. York Co. 717-244-8702.
Ford 850 w/loader, NAA w/loader, 309 Cornplanter, front & rear blades,
3pt dirt scoops, Ford 2N, 3pt fertilizer spreader, Northumberland Co.,
Ford 9-N tractor for sale, tire chains 5 snow blade included, nice
paint, good condition $2500. obo. Lancaster Co. 717-768-7785.
Ford 9N tractor, excellent mechanically. New head, rebuilt starter,
generator, carburetor, complete valve job. 32 inch wheels. $2500.
Chester Co. 610-255-0504.
Ford Model 2000 Gas Tractor with 3 Point Hitch, 2,500 Hrs. Good Cond.,
$4,000 OBO., Mont. Co., 215-740-7765.
Ferguson to 35 tractor, good tires, $3,000; Liver 15 combine, pull type,
motor, sacker needs canvas, $400 obo. Indiana Co. 724-459-8351.
Fender set for Farmall C new $250. Fenders for JD and others. New rear
rims $70 and up. Lanc. Co. 717-587-7548.
Farrmall Cub w/Belly Mower, Snow Plow, Light, Weights, Chains, New Rear
Tires, Good Sheet Metal, #2,795 OBO., Dau. Co., 717-533-7345.
Farmall C, late model, good point, good tires & rear, 80% cultivators -
pulley tester rebuilt, works good, $2,000 or best offer, Snyder Co.,
Farmall Super A, good engine, tires like new, good overall cond.,
$1,850; 1975 Mack tractor, runs good, $1,500. Carrol Co. 410-751-0565.
Farmall M Propane Head 8574 DCX D-154 Champion Plug, $700 or B/Offer,
Leave message, Lycoming Co., 717-494-2371.
Farmall 656D new motor, clutch, TA, 2 yrs. ago, wide front, good tires,
paint, ready to go. $5,000. York Co. 717-633-1182.
Farmall 230 fast hitch, recent overhaul and tires, draw bar, asking
$1,800 or best offer, Lycoming Co., 570-329-4427.
David Bradley walk behind garden tractor w/cultivator, snow plow, cuter
bar mower & operation instructions, Wards cement mixer. Lebanon Co.
Case VA for parts, $700 obo. Northumberland Co. 570-672-1342.
Cub 154 Yellow-White, with belly mower. Needs litle restoration. Delta 7
1/2 band saw, Milwaukee right angle drill. Cecil Co., Md. 410-398-7680.
Allis Chalmers HD6G loader, runs good, great under carriage, must go,
make offer. EZ dumper truck bed insert. Delaware Co. 610-842-6265.
AC-WC unstyled radiator, good cond., Snyder Co. 570-658-7577.
Ac HD 9 Dozer 4 cy/det $3,000 Chev, 1 ton 6.2 4 spd. steel flatbed,
$1,050. 4 cyl. MM Gas punit $400, 25 NW Crane Cat Eng Cecil Co., Md.
8N Ford, new paint, exc. cond., $3,200; 2 1800 bu. wire corn cribs, good
cond., make offer. Cumberland Co. 717-729-8098.
56-58 Farmall 350 wide front, 2 blades, front & rear, good cond., new
paint, 12 volt system $2,800. Berks Co. 610-856-7226
56-58 Farmall 350 Refurbished W&N Front Full Hydraulics, Front Rear
Plows, 12 Volt, Good Tires, Chains $3,500 OBO. Berks Co., 610-856-7473.
1937 JD unstyled a round spokes ready for paint $5,600 obo. Rockola juke
box $400. 4 tires 30x9.50x15 & american racing wheels, fits jeep, 60
miles on them. $850. York Co. 717-308-2428.
1947 Hudson Syper Six 2 Dr. Sedan. Solid, Complete, Intact, Original.
Long Storage, Radio, Heater, Owners Manual, $2,500 OBO. York Co.,
1951 J.D. B Bored .045 new pistons, rings, valves, carb coil, tires,
paint, seat, Jorde decals, $3,800. Fulton Co. 814-735-2892.
Mike Sloane
Allamuchy NJ
<mikesloane at verizon.net>
Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty.
When the loyal opposition dies,
I think the soul of America dies with it.
Edward R. Murrow
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