[AT] Re: Sterling

Greg Hass gkhass at avci.net
Tue Aug 1 22:09:09 PDT 2006

I know nothing about this car, however the first car we bought my daughter 
after she got her driver's license was a small Honda that was owned by my 
sister-in-law.  It was a great little car, started good, ran good and got 
great gas mileage.  However, any time there was a problem, no matter how 
small, no one in this county would touch it.  They said ( and I don't 
really blame them!) that it wasn't worth the grief considering that they 
had no good source of parts, no manuals and no working knowledge of that 
kind of car.  The nearest place that would work on it was over 60 miles 
away.  We didn't keep it extra long, as we felt it was better to buy an 
American brand car that any local mechanic would fix, although we could not 
fault the engineering of the Honda.  Just an opinion, your mileage may vary.

Greg Hass
Bad Axe

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