[AT] Metal building
toma at risingnet.net
toma at risingnet.net
Thu Apr 27 14:12:54 PDT 2006
Hi Ron,
I have not read all the reponses yet so I may be off subject or
repeating here.
Here in Northern California virtually all (decent) steel buildings are shipped
from Star Buildings in Lockeford, CA. no matter who you order from. We
put up a
24'x24' building with custom 6/12 gable roof, overhangs and gutters about 5
years ago and it cost about $7200, so the price you were quoted does not sound
out of line because steel prices supposedly went way up.
We ordered ours from Universal Steel Structures in Georgia. I think most of
these companies just draw up the plans and have the engineering done and spec
it out to a local company for manufacture and delivery. We are in earthquake
country and subject to high winds so we ordered Exposure III which I
believe is
the heaviest construction.
It was real hard to find out just what you are getting or where it is coming
from until it got here. We were impressed however.
Quoting rdhaskell at juno.com:
> Hi all.
> I have a guy at Curvico Steel Structures trying to sell me a metal
> building. 30' wide and 36' long, 16' tall with a 12'x12' open door in
> one end, solid other end. I supply the door. They are in Mc Kees Rocks
> PA. 15136. They want $10,581 delivered to my door here in CA. Sounds
> like a good deal, anyone heard of this company?
> Thanks
> Ron Haskell
> rdhaskell at juno.com
> Riverside, California
> http://albums.photo.epson.com/j/AlbumList?u=3009370&f=0
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