[Steam-engine] Welded boiler certification?
Jeff Smith
steamenginesmitty at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 21 16:05:53 PDT 2006
I was told by a boiler shop after a year or two with
the new boiler and old dome that you can go back and
replace the dome and waaaalaaaaaaaaa.........new
boiler. Is this the case?
--- Andrew <tech at andrew2.netpluscom.com> wrote:
> It is very expensive for a company to get and
> maintain S and R stamps.
> There's no way i'd ever be able to afford to do it,
> but alot of
> fabrication companies go with an R because I think
> it's a bit cheaper. It
> is common for a company with an R stamp to save an
> original piece such as
> a steam dome, this enables them to build a new
> boiler and call it a
> repair. It's kinda crazy how that is setup, with
> only an R stamp you can't
> build a complete new boiler, but... we can re-use
> the steam dome and build
> a new boiler, and call it a repair. I think that has
> to be renewed yearly
> but i'm not sure on that.
> Andrew.
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