[Steam-engine] Protecting US engines from Export
Andy glines
pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Fri Apr 21 10:12:29 PDT 2006
OK, I'll back away from the "S" word a little. I am
still wary of government involvement in this. So many
times there are unintended consequences or problems
with heavy handed enforcement of the law. Sometimes
law enforcement is more interested in the "letter of
the law" than the original intent of the law. We have
all heard the tales of overzealous boiler inspectors
and it is possible that export laws could go the same
way. I rather support a private effort to keep
important pieces here. I know that clubs/funds have
already been mentioned. The major issue with some
kind of conservatory organization is its management.
Who decides what needs to be protected from export (by
purchasing it) and what doesn't?
--- BETH VANARSDALL <24port at accesstoledo.com> wrote:
> Andy & Travis...I'm not even going there with
> socialism!
Andy Glines
Evansville, IN
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