[Steam-engine] Protecting US engines from Export
24port at accesstoledo.com
Thu Apr 20 18:27:21 PDT 2006
Ah ha! ATIS lives again!....
The idea here is for thoughts & we are expressing them. As I said
initially, it is a two edged sword.
So, on our 32 Reeves cross compound Canadian special...it is considered a US
product or Canadian....built in the US, to Canadian specs....the boiler came
from a reservation 200 miles North of Saskatoon....
Keep the free thinking going!
-----Original Message-----
From: steam-engine-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
[mailto:steam-engine-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of john
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 8:19 PM
To: Steam-engine mailing list
Subject: RE: [Steam-engine] Protecting US engines from Export
well from this canadian freind i think that it is stupid too restict any
equipt fom going anywere but especially not letting it out the state it was
built in that would be like a waterloo out of waterloo ontario or sawyer
massey out hamilton
ontario or letting any ontario stuff out of ontario here in ont we have
been dissusing this issue but their you go maybe we sould limit how much go
and comes in from my stand point theirs more canadian stuff going out this
country then american stuff coming here sure stuff like rumelys are coming
here but their were alot of these tractor originaly sold over here as well
like any
other tractors case john deere allis chalmers ect.. thats my veiw i hope
nobody is affended. john
Jim & Lyn Evans <jevans at evanstoys.com> wrote:
So what is worse? A law that prevents an engine from being sold, so it
away in it home state or country, or an engine that leaves the country where
it is restored and enjoyed by many people?
-----Original Message-----
From: steam-engine-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com
[mailto:steam-engine-bounces at lists.stationary-engine.com] On Behalf Of Ken
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:42 PM
To: Steam-engine mailing list
Subject: Re: [Steam-engine] Protecting US engines from Export
Hi Beth
Pennsylvania has a law preventing any of its historic Railroad equepment
leaving the state. This was inacted after a ex Chicago North Shore and
Milwaukee Railroad Electroliner was repatriated back to Illinois and the Ill
Railway Museum.
There were two sets of Electroliners built. They ran till 1963. They were
then bought by the Philadelphia Suburban Transportation Company and turned
into "Libertyliners".
They covered the rush hour from Norristown to 69th St in Upper Darby till
about 1980? Then they sat. And sat and sat. We know what happens to sheet
metal when it sits. It happened. Holes you could throw a chicken through.
One car made it back to Illinois the other went to the Rockhill Furnace
trolley museum in PA. The Electroliner in ILL got restored and runs. The one
in PA is being "preserved from decaying". When PA "lost" the first
Electroliner (remember it went back to it's home state) they enacted a law
preventing any other PA historic railroad rolling stock from leaving the
state. So how would us "steam heads" get something like that through the
This list has been dead lately, so how about a subject debated on SmokStak?
This is a double edged subject for the non US subscribers.
The question is how to protect our US engines from going overseas where
they are perceived as a good deal-compared to the cost of the European
If memory serves, Australia & New Zealand have laws about not allowing the
engines to leave the country. It seems there was a challenge in getting
Burrells to Great Dorset Steam Fair in 2001 or 2002 for the Burrell
and making sure they returned. The return was delayed due to the hoof (or
was it foot?) and mouth epidemic.
Can anyone enlighten us?
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