[AT] OT for those interested in aviation
charlie hill
chill8 at cox.net
Mon Apr 10 14:46:15 PDT 2006
Thanks for the personal knowledge Ron.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ronald L. Cook" <rlcook at pionet.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] OT for those interested in aviation
> Charlie,
> I am aware of the "tracking". It has been available by
> subscription and downlink from a satellite for years. Many corporate
> flight departments use it. Cessna started tracking all their big
> airplanes they sold many years ago. It is actually worldwide. The web
> site is only showing domestic flights that are working within the FAA air
> traffic control operating under instrument flight rules and are assigned a
> discrete transponder code to transmit. You are not seeing many other
> civilian flights nor are you seeing very many, if any, military flights.
> And there is "sufficient" lag to alleviate Danny's fears. This is being
> recorded as it is happening and you are watching a replay. It can be
> replayed at any time. This was put into effect long before the Sept 11,
> 2001 hijackings which really raises more questions than answers. I sat
> before a screen and watched the hijacked airplanes during part of their
> flights. The endings were edited out on the replay that the public got to
> see. I also watched the dots disappear from the screen as they grounded
> all of us. Me included. I do agree it is fascinating. Or should I say,
> amazing!
> Ron
>>You need to log on that site and check it out. The departure times and
>>arrival times match up almost exactly with the progress shown on the
>>flight. The screen updates every minute if you click refresh.
>>It's scary. I looked this morning and they were tracking a 182 going out
>>of our local airport to Savanah. It might have been a IFR but I'm not
>>sure of it. I don't have a clue how they are getting their data but it's
>>close to correct.
>>The flight I was looking at yesterday was being watched by a lot of folks
>>because of some sports news of considerable local interest. There were
>>folks at RDU waiting for the plane we were tracking to touch down. The
>>times were very close to right. The plane we were watching was a
>>Gulfstream G100. She was making 484 knts at one point on the way in (tail
>>I don't doubt that the gov't is very much involved and is tracking IP
>>addresses of those of us that use the site. I hope they are.
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