[AT] WD Timing
Gilbert Schwartz
gschwartz1 at mchsi.com
Tue Apr 4 18:56:56 PDT 2006
I've hesitated to get in to this because I don't know if I can explain
it to you well enough. Enough said about that, I'll give it a try.
First, I've seen the letter "F", a straight line about a half inch long,
and the letter "DC", on WD and WD45 fly wheels. I've seen these F's and
straight lines on the radiator side, the edge, AND on the clutch side of
different fly wheels. (are you beginning to get my drift here?) The DC's
I've seen have ALWAYS been on the radiator side of the wheel. The DC's have
also been on the later year machines. I've never seen but ONE mark on any
fly wheel and it has always been the indicator for "top dead center"
The setting for "fire" is 30 degrees BTDC. (before top dead center) That
setting is three and one eighth inches BTDC, measured on the edge of the fly
Assuming everything is together correctly, put the mark straight down,
when viewed thru the hole (after the plate is removed) at the front of the
fly wheel. Measure 3 and 1/8 inches BTDC, that is where #1(radiator end of
the engine) should fire. We usually readjust the mag, if it uses one, or
distributor, if it has that, by ear, after the engine is running. These
engines are pretty much bullet proof and do start and run easily when they
get spark and fuel in the right order.
We have, at times, had to move the distributor drive one tooth to get
the rotor to line up correctly for fire at #1.
I hope I've explained this well enough for you to under stand. (we do
virtually all of this with the valve cover removed in order to KNOW when
both valves are closed on #1 and it is in the compression stroke.
----- Original Message -----
From: "D. Day" <ddss at telebeep.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 11:18 PM
Subject: [AT] WD Timing
> I've never had to set timing on anything with more than 2 cylinders before
> and need some help :)
> Can anyone tell me where on the WD flywheel you are supposed to find the
> center and firing marks? I did find an "X" on the front side (not the
> clutch side) by removing the sheet metal plate next to the oil pan. Am I
> looking in the right place? There are several inspection covers, one
> under
> the starter and one on the bottom side, but they appear to be too far away
> from the flywheel to see it. The service manual says that the firing mark
> should be visible in the inspection opening when the center mark is
> centered.
> Thanks,
> Dick
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