[Ford-ferguson] Some ads from the 4/1 Lancaster Farming
ggubb at esva.net
Tue Apr 4 09:09:05 PDT 2006
Hi Mike,
I have a '72 MFD135 vineyard tractor and need a
stabilizer for the left lift arm. I have bits but would like
to find a source for the rest--the antique tractor folks had
no such animal.
All the best..........Geoff
>Some of the more interesting ads from the (free to
>subscribers) Mailbox Markets section of the weekly
>Lancaster (PA) Farming newspaper for 4/1/2006. For the
>full listing, go to <www.lancasterfarming.com>. [my
>comments, if any, are in brackets]
>For Sale:
>Wide front to fit Allis WD-45 complete, $500. Allis D-15
>series 2 W-F snap coupler, new paint, $2,000 after 6.
>Lebanon Co. 717-949-8196.
>Wagner loader Worthington 3 gang reel mower, McCormick #7
>parts mowers. Rollover scraper Pepsi machines. Hay track
>carrier. Berks Co. 717-933-4219.
>Super M two loaders, 7 snowplow, 9 v-plow fenders, dual
>wheel weights, chains, runs good! $1800 or best offer.
>Bucks Co. 302-629-0554.
>Several Power King/Economy tractors for sale. Bradford Co.
>Call 570-265-6465.
>Post & beam log house, 24x30, 2 story, numbered and
>stacked. Make offer. Adams Co. 717-577-7528. [The ultimate
>kit, with no directions. A real "handyman's special"]
>Perfect mixer wagon-loader tractor, I.H. Hydro 70, 2537 hrs
>, w/wo Woods Du-All loader $14,500 obo; I.H. 1066 Case
>V.A., J.D. 2955 4040. Bedford Co. 814-652-2900.
>Oliver OC-3 crawler, excellent condition, $3500. Massey
>Harris 30 new tires and paint, looks new, $2400. Col. Co.
>Oliver HG 68, no engine or sheet metal, best offer. York
>Co. 717-308-2768.
>Oliver 88 runs good sheet metal rims good 88 motor seized
>77 motor needs rebuilding 88 frame trans rear. Bucks Co.
>Old owners manual for Minneapolis Moline U tractor,
>uni-harvester, uni-sheller, $30 each obo. MM uni-matic (2)
>$15 each. York Co. 717-637-7467.
>Nice JD 3010 gas, 2590 orig. hrs., 3Pth., tin and tires
>exc., gears shift fine, fluids just changed. York Co.
>New W30 manifold $200. original F12 F14 belt pulley $100.
>Farmall H battery box $95. Back 10-20 8-16 steel rims.
>Meyersdale, PA. 814-634-5368.
>John Deere M Model, 30 front end loader and blade, $900.
>Anvil, leguise, blacksmith cone. Berks Co. 610-562-8561.
>John Deere A 1952 styled electric start. Lanc. Co.
>John Deere cover, JD 60 Dash, Ford 8N Parts, Dearborn 2
>bottom plow, pygmy goat kids, 60 chevy parts. Lancaster
>Co. 717-872-2168.
>John Deere 2510 gas, narrow front diff., lock, rear and
>front wts., under 3,000 hrs., 60% rear tires, $4,000.
>Berks Co. 610-756-6758.
>JD Model L, elec. start, new paint, decals, tires, $4100;
>Roller conveyor, 3 section, $10 ea. Morgan Co.
>JD A parts, rear tires 13.6x38 good, $200. JD B head redone
>, $400. JD 1219 haybine, $4000 obo. Montour Co.
>Int. 424 tractor, gas, wide front, PTO, 3 pt. hitch, good
>cond., 2396 hours, $3,500. Bucks Co. 215-538-7857 after 5
>International 1 1/2 - 2 HP LB eng with cement mixer, runs,
>leave message, Narvon, Pa. $350. Lanc. Co. 717-768-3093.
>International 2000 loader 1200. Cash no valves, not welded
>up. Call late 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. York Co. 717-428-1737.
>[Great - right after I bought a 2001. I would have
>preferred a 2000. ]
>International I6 tractor, rare, runs well, straight metal,
>gd. rubber, needs paint, Farmall reg. engine, loose,
>garaged, easy restoration. Bucks Co. 215-536-1390.
>International tractor 284 28 hp w/3pt. turf tires, chains,
>posi-lock w/5 Woods mower, works well, g. condition,
>asking $4200. Call eves. Carroll Co. 410-374-2372.
>Intl 184 Lowboy, good tires, with 59LB-1 woods belly mower,
>hyd. lift, elec. PTO, $3,200. Lower Northumberland Co.
>IH 574, gas, good cond. $5,500; Ferguson TO-35 live PTO
>$2,200; Teachmy fenders avail. Thomas ant. grain drill.
>Perry Co. 717-582-0208.
>IH 350 utility $1,000. needs work 460 utility nice paint,
>runs well. $2,700. Troybuilt tiller $275. Bedford Co.
>Huber roller 10 ton, old model Hercules motor. Frederick,
>Co. Va. 540-662-0611.
>Heavy duty grill guard for TD 6 International, best offer.
>York Co. 717-259-0563.
>Handguns any shape, any cond., wallhangers; swords any type
>, any cond., looking for odd guns, mortors, bazookas, etc.
>New Castle Co. 302-363-4854. [Does the Department of
>Homeland Security know about this guy?]
>Goodrich bicycle 26 balloon tire with spring fork, I
>believe it to be from the 1930s. $110. Lancaster Co.
>Ford tractor tires & rims 12-4-28 in excellent condition.
>$150. Lancaster Co. 717-626-5260.
>Ford 3000, diesel with front mount snow plow. 3 pt. live
>pto. Somerset Co. 814-893-6292.
>Ford 850 tractor needs work, 100 bushel pto manver preader,
>3 pt. 2 bt. and 3 bt. plows, 3 pt. dirt scoop.
>Northumberland Co. 570-425-2743.
>Ford 8N excellent condition, w/chains, sickle bar. $2,500.
>Lark handicap scooter, $750. wheelchair lift carrier,
>$550. Perry Co. 717-834-9877.
>Ford 8N ser # 491848, not running. Case VC ser # 4525446,
>runs great, older restoration, make an offer. Somerset Co.
>Farmall 140 6 Woods L-306 belly mower, purchased new,
>hydraulics, garage kept, good cond. Northampton Co.
>Farmall A mid 1940s 90 percent complete plus wheel weights,
>plow restore or use for parts $400. Chester Co.,
>Farmall A tractor in good working condition, new paint,
>good tires, $2,250. No Sunday calls. Bradford Co.
>Farmall AV field ready, front cultivators, good cond.,
>$1200. Caroni finish mower (2) 5 and 6, need work, $100
>both. S. Jersey Co. 856-327-4598.
>Farmall B strait tractor $995. M recent restoration
>professional paint, new wires, decals nice $1,995. Call
>for details. Salem, NJ 856-694-2396.
>Farmall cub one row planter side dresser with manual
>different plates never used, orig. blue, no rust. $500.
>Lancaster Co. 717-687-3513.
>Farmall H 1941 stock tractor with weights. Good engine,
>paint and tires, $1800 or best offer. Harford Co.
>Farmall H, good tin, runs gd. $1,000; IH manure sprdr $500;
>IH garden tractor $150; Beautiful peacocks $120 pr. Lanc.
>Co. 717-653-1233.
>Farmall H, needs rear rims & one rear tire, good one to
>restore, $800. Also one good used rear tire, $25. Chester
>Co. 610-593-5346.
>Farmall Super C with fast hitch 2B plow mid-mt. cultivators
>V.G. $3,500. obo. JD IR potato digger $450. Call evenings.
>Wayne Co. 570-698-6942.
>Ferguson T030 good condition engine & steering, overhauled,
>converted to 12 volt, good rubber, brakes, sheet metal.
>Carbon Co. 570-386-4828.
>Farmall Super H, super nice, $3500. IHC 1086, nice paint,
>runs good, $9500. Juniata Co. 717-589-3407.
>Economy Power King tractor with mower and cultivator, 14 HP
>, to be sold at Wolgemuth sale April 8. Lanc. Co.
>Cushmans 2 three wheel truckster type used by city police
>dept. Needs work, $300. Also 4 wheel one, $250. Baltimore
>Co. 410-655-4348.
>Allis Chalmers Model CA, eng. stuck, some parts missing,
>restoration or parts $500. Burlington Co. 609-859-2298.
>AC Model C restored with 6 ft. woods finish mower, $3,500
>obo; Honda 200-S 3-wheeler, nice shape, $800 obo.
>Lancaster Co. 717-371-1799.
>8N Ford tractor with Bushhog and blade, 10 lift disk, C
>Farmall tractor, all good condition. Allegheny Co., Md.
>8N Ford tractor, good original condition, $2,600; 2002
>Suzuki Intruder VS 800-adult driven, 6K mi., bags,
>windshield, mint, $4,500. Lehigh Co. 610-285-4122.
>A-V Cub cultivator, pulleys, drawbars, 11 wheel, JD disk,
>fertilizer, spliter, brackets, cultivator parts, hillers,
>shanks, Farmall M G-tank, shields, Indian relics. Salem
>Co. 856-358-8625.
>656 Farmall diesel WFE with loader, very good cond., 85%
>rubber, $5,000 obo. New Castle, PA 302-653-9465.
>50? Farmall Cub has attachments for a Woods belly mower,
>belt pulley, needs motor work. Berks Co. 610-286-9280.
>344 Leyland tractor, 55 hp, diesel, wide front, live PTO,
>PS, and three point, $3,000. MIfflin Co. 717-899-6893.
>30 Vermeer hyd. tree spade $5,500; 56 Mack dump truck
>$5,000; MF20c loader, new tires, PS, PTO, 3 pt. $5,000;
>Ford 9N new tires, paint $3,500. Ocean Co. 609-758-8976.
>185 Cub Loboy 5 ft. belly mower; turf tires; hydraulic live
>PTO, $1895. York Co. 717-432-4416.
>1943 John Deere H Ser. No. Completely Rebuilt from drawbar
>to radiator. New tires. Ready for show or parade. $4,800.
>OBO. Luzerne Co. 570-639-3256.
>1945 John Deere B, needs paint, gas/diesel, $2,000. Mt.
>Pleasant area. Westmoreland Co. 724-433-7913.
>1947 John Deere B parts, 1962 Buick 445 Wildcat engine 5.5
>hr. 32 gal. 115v air compressor Honda 3-110 3 wheeler
>parts. Carroll Co. 443-929-1126.
>1948 and 1953 whizzer moto bikes run great, engine blocks
>flywheel etc. rare literature whole package. $3,200.
>Lancaster Co. 717-665-4310.
>1949 Md exc. cond. new tires - rims runs great. $5,400.
>Luzerne Co. 570-864-3614.
>1950 Allis Chalmers WD, gd. rubber, gd. paint, very gd.
>cond., live PTO, doesnt use oil $1300. Bedford CO.
>1955 AC-B adj. front end. with snap coupler. V.G. cond.
>$1,800. obo. 18 hp mtd. 48 deck. V.G. cond. $500.
>Lancaster Co. 717-284-2626.
>10K equipment trailer tandem axle. Pa. Inspection ready
>$1,200. Ford 4000 tractor L.P.T.O. P.S. looks like new
>$4,700. DuBois, PA. 814-371-0212.
>Miscellaneous old Ford, Ferguson, MF tractor parts, tires,
>rims, rebuilt steering boxes, pulleys for Ford, IH, John
>Deere. Allegany Co. 585-437-2796.
>Mike Sloane
>Allamuchy NJ
><mikesloane at verizon.net>
>Website: <www.geocities.com/mikesloane>
>Images: <www.fotki.com/mikesloane>
>"Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible,
>but man´s inclination to injustice makes democracy
>necessary." Reinhold Niebuhr (1892-1971), US theologian.
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