[Steam-engine] Protecting US engines from Export

Andy glines pioneersop96 at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 20 06:59:26 PDT 2006

Do our engines need protection?  If folks want to keep
them here all they have to do is put up the $$$ and it
stays.  Selling to the highest bidder is the American
way. By placing restrictions on who can buy historical
items we would be resorting to socialism to solve the
"problem"  I don't want to see our stuff go overseas
but I think that resorting to restrictive laws isn't
the answer.  We need to remember that we enjoy
artifacts from all over the world in the U.S. as well.
 There are a few English engines in the U.S. and I'm
sure that they are a real treat to see.  We have an
opportunity to see a machine that we wouldn't get to
see otherwise.  The same point applies to engines
which have been exported from the U.S.  A couple of
years ago there was a big stink about a Keck-Gonnerman
going to the U.K. I'm a big fan of Kecks as I'm from
Mt. Vernon, IN.  I was not happy to see the K-G go to
England but I'm also glad to know that they have an
example of a fine AMERICAN steam engine!  

--- BETH VANARSDALL <24port at accesstoledo.com> wrote:

> This list has been dead lately, so how about a
> subject debated on SmokStak?
> This is a double edged subject for the non US
> subscribers.
> The question is how to protect our US engines from
> going overseas where they
> are perceived as a good deal-compared to the cost of
> the European engines?
> If memory serves, Australia & New Zealand have laws
> about not allowing the
> engines to leave the country. It seems there was a
> challenge in getting the
> Burrells to Great Dorset Steam Fair in 2001 or 2002
> for the Burrell feature
> and making sure they returned.  The return was
> delayed due to the hoof (or
> was it foot?) and mouth epidemic.
> Can anyone enlighten us?
> Thanks!
> Beth

Andy Glines
Evansville, IN

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