[AT] Canola

Ralph Goff alfg at sasktel.net
Thu Sep 1 12:25:23 PDT 2005

Cecil, how is it that you can seed canola in September and grow a crop? Here 
canola is a spring seeded crop and harvested about now. There was some 
experimenting with fall seeding a few years back but it wasn't too 
successful and I don't know anybody doing that now. The only way it would 
work is if the seed did not germinate in the fall, otherwise it would freeze 
and die soon as the cold weather hit. Its not like winter wheat or fall rye. 
Those crops do alright here.
At the price you got that seed for I guess ten pounds an acre is not too 
bad. I have seeded anywhere from 4 to 10 pounds per acre and had good crops 
from both rates. Just gets a little pricey when seed is $3.60 and higher per 

Ralph in Sask.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <CBear81438 at aol.com>
To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 12:15 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Canola

>I had to pay $1/lb for this seed, and got it from Kansas.  The supplier's
> wife was ciming to OK to visit her daughter, so she brought 2 sacks with 
> her.  I
> just stopped for lunch and it looks like my old drill is putting down more
> like 10 lbs per acre than 6..  I have worked on the acre counter more this
> morning than I have been on the tractor.  Oh Well, what isn't in canola is 
> going
> into triticale.  Hope to get some pasture.  I am drilling it into the 
> marshall
> ryegrass that is up up about 2 inches but thin..   If I run across the 
> field to
> clean it up, It will cost another $150 plus I will be behind about 3 weeks 
> on
> pasture...   It seems to be working nice, hope the frost will get the 
> weeds...
> Cecil in OKla
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