[AT] More radiant heat.
gwaugh at wowway.com
Fri Oct 28 06:30:09 PDT 2005
Many of the plastics (except black, in which the carbon apparently
absorbs the UV) should NOT be left in the sun...nasty old UV!
Elgin, Illinois USA
Cecil Bearden wrote:
> We used some white cross linked poly tubing that was about as brittle
> as I have after seen after it set in the sun for about 2 weeks..... I
> really worried about it....
> Cecil in OK
> ----- Original Message ----- From: "charlie hill" <chill8 at cox.net>
> To: "Antique tractor email discussion group"
> <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:33 PM
> Subject: Re: [AT] More radiant heat.
>> Colin a bit of time passed while the thread was ongoing. Andy is
>> putting a concrete floor in his shop and was wondering about radiant
>> floor heat. He wanted to know about types of tubing, etc.
>> Charlie
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: <chesnimnus at juno.com>
>> To: <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
>> Cc: <andyglines at hotmail.com>
>> Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2005 4:37 PM
>> Subject: Re: [AT] More radiant heat.
>>> Forgive my ignorance, but I got this message in my daily digest of
>>> 27 October; the message by Andy mentions "all of your input", yet
>>> when I check back in the AT digests from the last 5 days, I see
>>> nothing about this topic. What was the original question? I used
>>> to sell and design radiant heat systems, I would like to know what
>>> we are talking about.
>>> -Colin Rush
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 13:21:26 -0400
>>> From: "Andy Glines" <>
>>> Subject: [AT] More radiant heat.
>>> To: at at lists.antique-tractor.com
>>> Message-ID: <BAY104-F238DDB2BDCE6C27E6AC121C7690 at phx.gbl>
>>> Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
>>> Thanks for all of your input on radiant heat. Someone asked me
>>> about the
>>> stove. The only ID I found on the stove is a brass plate on the
>>> front that
>>> says Omega. I looked around on the net and couldnt find a picture
>>> for you.
>>> The stove is about 1/4" plate construction about 36"W 18"D &
>>> 36"H? The
>>> stack comes out the top and the top plates are slanted instead of
>>> having a
>>> flat surface. The stove has a heavy steel door with round air vents
>>> the
>>> thread open and closed (I often see these on inserts) Underneath is a
>>> damper & ash pan. This stove has a built in blower as well. The
>>> consrtuction of the blower is pretty neat. The blower blows air
>>> from front
>>> to back through a duct that actually goes through the firebox. This
>>> system
>>> must be pretty darn good at taking heat from the fire and putting it
>>> in the
>>> room. Overall the unit is heavy duty and pretty nice. It was
>>> probably made
>>> for inside of a house. Someone else mentioned bubble wrap as
>>> insulation. I
>>> actually saw this product advertised for this purpose while I was
>>> searching
>>> for info on the web. I was really surprised that one of our members
>>> from a
>>> Scandanavian coutry said that they use up to 250mm of foam under the
>>> slab.
>>> 250mm = 9.84" (1" = 25.4mm)! Those guys definitely aren't losing
>>> heat to
>>> the ground. One site that I visited suggested that you insulate
>>> around the
>>> perimiter but leave an area in the center uninsulated. They said
>>> that the
>>> soil would act as a heat sink in this area storing heat in case of a
>>> power
>>> outage. A member of SIAM is a retired concrete finisher and I asked
>>> for his
>>> input. He said that everyone who has it loves it and there aren't many
>>> problems. One thing he suggested was a thicker slab as he thought
>>> that the
>>> imbedded tubing may weaken the floor a bit. I tend to agree whith his
>>> thinking. Has anyone heard that the floor should be thicker? How
>>> much?
>>> ------------------------------
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