[AT] ND Members?
Indiana Robinson
robinson at svs.net
Thu Oct 27 08:21:20 PDT 2005
On 26 Oct 2005 at 20:58, Don Thiel wrote:
> Yeah. I am still lurking here. Not too many pheasant
> hunting areas around here, though. Not enough cover for
> them once the corn is taken off....
> Don
Gee, Pheasants... I have almost forgotten they exist. I
guess the coyotes get at them too bad???
I disked a little10 acre patch to plant wheat last week
and I saw about 40 rabbits and while I did not see any deer
except the one I was driving (4020 with IHC 16' disk) I did
see what I would guess to be 200 bed spots. Might have been
200 deer or 2 deer sleeping in a new spot every night...
;-) I'm guessing maybe a dozen or two deer.
We have plenty of quail running about. I have not heard
any turkeys this year but heard some last year about 1/2
mile west of me.
I have not seen any pheasants or any traces of any for
maybe 8 years now. Even back then it was only one. They
turned a big batch of Korean Pheasants loose about 10 miles
north east of here about 20 years ago and informed the
public that they would not tolerate any shooting or
trapping of them. I was told by a friend in the area that
everyday he could hear shooting... Nothing was "in season"
at the time. They arrested several.
I'm not sure why we have plenty of everything else but no
pheasants. I have not allowed any hunting at all except for
Scott and I for a very long time and we only go sit waiting
for a deer to come up and line themselves up with the end
of a muzzle loader a few times a season (hasn't happened
yet). The place is over-run with deer until the day before
the season starts then they apparently all go hide in some
big underground bunker someplace until the season ends.
Not many ask to hunt here anymore, it is just getting too
built up. I did hear some construction worker working on my
neighbors new pole barn brag about shooting at some guy's
target deer in a lot behind that guys house by mistake...
Hey, he saw antlers... Shudder... I don't think I would
have considered that something to brag about... Especially
since he missed... :-)
I think Wally World has increased hunting here a little
just by having so much stuff out on display. Guys buy
blinds, tree stands and shooting stuff quicker if it is
right in front of them rather than having to order it or
look all over for it. There is also a lot of impulse buying
just from seeing it there every time they go buy motor oil
or the like.
BTW, I didn't get that wheat planted yet... The weather
man lied. It rained a day earlier than they called for and
rained about daily since. It is drying out now. Maybe
tomorrow... I usually plant wheat with my Farmall SMTA and
an old John Deere FB-B grain drill with a cultipacker
hitched behind it. I have welded a rear hitch to the back
of the last two drills I used. I'm not sure why the factory
does not put a light hitch on them. I really believe that
cultipacker helps a lot.
Hewick Midwest
The master in the art of living makes little distinction
between his
work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and
his body,
his information and his recreation, his love and his
religion. He
hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision
excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide
whether he
is working or playing. To him he's always doing both.
~ James A. Michener, attributed
Francis Robinson
Central Indiana USA
robinson at svs.net
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