[Steam-engine] Steam on TV
Francis Orr
steam.boat at verizon.net
Tue Oct 25 23:14:21 PDT 2005
Regards the "Monster Garage" show in which they build a steamboat, Bob
Dessert is a member of the Northwest Steam Society and comes from a family
of steam people. His Father was head of a boiler works in Everett, WA. Bob
works for Dan Martin at Everett Machine. Dan is another dyed in the wool
steam guy who is now producing code boilers. He rebuilt the boiler for the
steam fire engine that was used in the movie Gone With The Wind and has made
a number of nice little VFT boilers of about 40 sq. ft. of heating surface.
Dan has also built several vertical, steeple compound marine steam engines,
one of which is in his 26' steam boat. Bob's boat has a traditional fore and
aft compound which is a real antique. Both boats use homemade water tube
boilers. The "Monster Garage" steamboat episode is worthwhile seeing.
Francis A. Orr
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