[AT] Moving West...

Roger Welsch captneb at micrord.com
Thu Oct 13 13:31:33 PDT 2005

Marvin "Three-Arm" Johansen was a friend of my father's and designed the WC
along with Purvis "Gimpy" Fredrickson...you know, the one with the extra
yard or so of left leg, so I resent this post.  You know, they say you could
always tell a guy who farmed with an Allis WC because when he sang in church
on Sunday he held the hymnal over about two foot to the left.  And I have
noted the minor omission on the C of any allowance whatsoever for the
operator to get on the blasted thing.  I've installed a derrick arrangement
like an engine hoist in my tractor shed that lifts and drops me pretty much
on the seat most of the time.

I'm working on a calendar of significant but unknown dates in tractor
history and one of the dates I have listed, you'll be proud to know,
Indiana, was this spring, March 3, when a friend of mine set off down the
gravel om rpad gear on his Cub, headed over to Nysted five miles down the
road.  We are all looking forward to his arrival there.  His Missus is
especially anxious because she's tired of walking over to him from Dannebrog
with the lunch basket.

Can't argue with the Greenies, since I did get Lovely Linda that JD B a
couple years back.  The fuel economy on that thing is truly remarkable and
very welcome in these hard times.  It turns out that what won't run doesn't
use up a lot of fuel either.

Nope, there's something good to be said about every color of tractor.
That's my philosophy.  In fact, my favorite book puff is one a buddy of mine
gave me for OLD TRACTORS AND THE MEN WHO LOVE THEM:  "We all knew that
sooner or later Roger would write a book about religion."

I remain,
Yours in Persian Orange

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Indiana Robinson" <robinson at svs.net>
To: "Antique tractor email discussion group" <at at lists.antique-tractor.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 13, 2005 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: [AT] Moving West...

> On 13 Oct 2005 at 13:17, Roger Welsch wrote:
> > Sometimes the nonsense gets the better of me and I can't
> > help responding, Mattias.  You know, it's like potato
> > chips...just can't resist that open bag.  Okay,
> good...let's
> > get back to something less volatile.  Like religion.
> >
> OK, how about we talk about those danged old lopper-jawed
> AC tractors...   :-)   You know, those things where you sit
> off on one side and the clutch pedal is about 25 feet off
> to your left...   ;-)   I mean my $%&# CUB is offset but at
> least they had the sense to put all of the  controls on the
> same side as the driver.   :-)
> My AC "C" has everything in the center and is remarkably
> comfortable to drive once you are in the seat. Its only
> problem is that it takes a contortionist to get into the
> seat.   :-)
> This comes close to religion... At least it is for some on
> this list...   ;-)
> Now I don't know whether to pick on the green guys or the
> red guys next.    :-)
> -- 
> "farmer"
> Hewick Midwest
> The master in the art of living makes little distinction
> between his
> work and his play, his labor and his leisure, his mind and
> his body,
> his information and his recreation, his love and his
> religion. He
> hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision
> of
> excellence at whatever he does, leaving others to decide
> whether he
> is working or playing. To him he's always doing both.
>  ~ James A. Michener, attributed
> Francis Robinson
> Central Indiana USA
> robinson at svs.net
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